Anyone minds telling me where the cubics are in the AI file?
I tried searching with some keywords but that failed horrible. Then I tried looking at the classes 1 by 1, but I dont see anything obvious like the summons/pets/merchants, its "sub" classes and etc.
I tried comparing the cubics with summons skilldata to find them in the AI, for example, summons skilldata has this: effect = {{i_summon;[blue_eye_ep_28];100;[spirit_ore];6;3600}}
So, in case summons/pets werent really easy to find, searching the blue_eye would do the trick.
I tried this tactic for the cubics, but every cubic is like this: effect = {{i_summon_cubic;9;104}}
Searching for the number 9 doesnt rly work. Am I doing this wrong?
If anyone could tell me in what "tab"/class they are or give some advice on how to search better for them, that would be great.
Ty. I ll keep looking and update my own question if I find it.
Don't you realize that every time you attack me, the only ones who lose are you? hahaha
I guess someday you're going to educate yourself and know who's in charge.
gg ultra.
Anyone minds telling me where the cubics are in the AI file?
I tried searching with some keywords but that failed horrible. Then I tried looking at the classes 1 by 1, but I dont see anything obvious like the summons/pets/merchants, its "sub" classes and etc.
I tried comparing the cubics with summons skilldata to find them in the AI, for example, summons skilldata has this: effect = {{i_summon;[blue_eye_ep_28];100;[spirit_ore];6;3600}}
So, in case summons/pets werent really easy to find, searching the blue_eye would do the trick.
I tried this tactic for the cubics, but every cubic is like this: effect = {{i_summon_cubic;9;104}}
Searching for the number 9 doesnt rly work. Am I doing this wrong?
If anyone could tell me in what "tab"/class they are or give some advice on how to search better for them, that would be great.
Ty. I ll keep looking and update my own question if I find it.
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