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interlude [L2Off]Lineage 2 Arien Interlude 20X Beta: 22.03.2014


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Is not about DDoS, is a hosting problem that we solved in a proportion of 90% just need to set up the forum and website on a way as they was before.

Do not take rushing conclusions, let the staff answer to your questions, that's why we are here. 

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Do not take rushing conclusions, let the staff answer to your questions, that's why we are here. 

Isn't chT staff? He said...

We were attacked with ddos, but now we are back with a new and better service! :)


How many registered users you had before the forum went down? I know that not everyone uses the community board, but it's a good indicator imo..

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Hello Everyone. 


Over the past few days we have seen alot of things happen. 

We have been under ddos attack on our forums and website, but 
We have been working around the clock to fix the issues and today they are all fixed!
We are back and better than ever! We have a new web host with anti ddos for the forums and the web site and our sever has the best anit ddos protection that money can buy.
Thank you for all patiente. 

Isn't chT staff? He said...


How many registered users you had before the forum went down? I know that not everyone uses the community board, but it's a good indicator imo..



Hello, adsfa check this log of ddos attack.




If you need see also ~1hour of ddos attack download this: 



We got some attention i think..now we're working to our beta.
Hope you there ;)



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You call a 2.50/euro webhosting that is not even protected against a simple flooding attack a better service ? Come on...


hmm? The hyperfilter services coust U$ 29,99 per month dude

I'm not one kid to work without good service.

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No problem. check this: http://prntscr.com/2zsg5x


I dont need lie about my features or services that i am using. 

Try yourself the ddos attack there, you is Fr3dBr or somefriend of him? Im not interested to know, and dont need start one discussion about this dude.

I bought the service, just wanna wait my domain change this. 


How many time i bought? 1 month first to check the service, thats is problem? no. Cause i can pay every month to do this. 


When the beta open, hope you enjoy there ;)

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No problem. check this: http://prntscr.com/2zsg5x


yeah, so you should configure your website better, because right now it is not hosted in hyperfilter, everyone can see this by just pinging the website :D

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