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interlude [L2Off] [Lineage2Madoc Network] | Cybele X2000 Inc 15.3.2014


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Based on your background you're a L2J user, and all of a sudden you started to open a L2OFF server, based on what ? based on some free files you found on MXC ? L2OFF ain't L2J... Most likely someone set these files and settings for you and you might think that you will handle it...but once you'll get some people online and start dealing with a issue...then you'll hit a wall that you will not be able to comprehend nor to solve.

How about you give credits to the person that set this up for you ? Since most likely you do NOT have the knowledge to do this.

Just be fair and you'll earn more respect that way.

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Based on your background you're a L2J user, and all of a sudden you started to open a L2OFF server, based on what ? based on some free files you found on MXC ? L2OFF ain't L2J... Most likely someone set these files and settings for you and you might think that you will handle it...but once you'll get some people online and start dealing with a issue...then you'll hit a wall that you will not be able to comprehend nor to solve.

How about you give credits to the person that set this up for you ? Since most likely you do NOT have the knowledge to do this.


Just be fair and you'll earn more respect that way.


First of all hello dude & keep calm you need seriously meet some pussies , after that i'm suggestion to keep your opinion for yourself if u wanna say something tell it brah i dont give a fuck for what you saying , I'm administrator since 2006 FOR WHAT ARE YOU FACKEN TALKING ABOUT HAH? DID U KNOW WHEN I SHIT OR WHEN I EAT OR WHEN I CUM ON YOUR MOUTH? U KNOW AND DAT? HAH? Started better  to masturbate dinosaurs, you will be more useful to the  envi facken trash.

Edited by D3athLeGenD™
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There,fixed it for ya clown xD

benihime to your finger on your asshwhole the deep one u know... and suicide please u will do a favor to the community of this forum and to the humanity.

Edited by D3athLeGenD™
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You just proved that you have no ideea what L2OFF means.

You cannot properly answer. You just flamed because you are angry that i figured it out.


Your english does not even make any sense even with those childish flames.

You know that "someone" set the server up for you. Just admit it because you have no clue how to mod L2OFF files.


Tell me by what multiplied factor does the exp/sp/adena rates run by. Its a simple question, any imbecil can answer this.

Good luck L2Java.

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"asshwhole","deep one"..? Cuz I got a shallow one too?? xDD Cant thank u enuff for ur comments. Its like everytime I see a reply from u Im like "guys gather around,dis douchey penisface posted a reply!" and we rofl hard. Bless u son :)


free bump btw,its worth it =)

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"asshwhole","deep one"..? Cuz I got a shallow one too?? xDD Cant thank u enuff for ur comments. Its like everytime I see a reply from u Im like "guys gather around,dis douchey penisface posted a reply!" and we rofl hard. Bless u son :)


free bump btw,its worth it =)


hello bro good morning , again u make me smile :D hahahahaha however go to hell please :D

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