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Client Collection From Ivory-Tower

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0 - Lineage II Chronicle - Prelude
1 - Lineage II Chronicle 1 - Harbingers of War[MISSING]
2 - Lineage II Chronicle 2 - Age of Splendor
3 - Lineage II Chronicle 3 - Rise of Darkness
4 - Lineage II Chronicle 4 - Scions of Destiny
5 - Lineage II Chronicle 5 - Oath of Blood
6 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne - Interlude
7 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 1 - The Kamael
8 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 1.5 - The Kamael Hellbound
9 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 2.1 - Gracia Part 1[MISSING]
10 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 2.2 - Gracia Part 2[MISSING]
11 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 2.3 - Gracia Final
12 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 2.4 - Gracia Epilogue
13 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 2.5 - Freya
14 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne - High Five
15 - Lineage II The Chaotic Throne 3 - Goddess of Destruction[MISSING]


All clients are clean portable versions(just unpack and play).

No patch/gameguard killers or anything else - clean retail clients.

Hope its usefull for some people.

Have fun!

Edited by koziolekl
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Here are some mirrors for Prelude - C5: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170074-clean-lineage-2-client-collection-521/?do=findComment&comment=2274945


you can also download every client from rutracker :)



btw i'm searching for the english GOD harmony client. Anyone knows where to get that?

Edited by snifi
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Lineage II client list


Open Beta - 28-Mar-04
Prelude - 28-Apr-04
Harbingers of War (C1) - 28-Jun-04
Age of Splendor (C2) - 8-Dec-04
Rise of Darkness (C3) - 10-May-05
Scions of Destiny (C4) - 8-Feb-06
Oath of Blood (C5) - 7-Sep-06
Interlude - 11-Apr-07
Kamael - 11-Dec-07
Hellbound - 23-Apr-08
Gracia Part 1 - 12-Aug-08
Gracia Part 2 - 28-Oct-08
Gracia Final - 22-Apr-09
Gracia Epilogue - 17-Nov-09
Freya - 24-Aug-10
High-Five - 14-Feb-11
Goddess of Destruction - 30-Nov-11
Harmony - 7-Mar-12
Tauti - 13-Jun-12
Glory Days - 24-Oct-12
Lindvior - 29-May-13
Valiance - 11-Dec-13
Ertheia - 30-Jul-14
Infinite Odyssey - 22-Apr-15
Underground - 14-Oct-15


Edited by DrChris
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