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[Tool] L2Brut 1.4 Full Version!

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Where can i find this wordlist after i create this ?!

¬¬u  In \external\ there's wordlist-gen.exe, you exe it, you go through options and let it create... Once if's over you'll see in \external\ a file called DICTION.ARY ...


I have to say that most of the servers have measures against this kind of brute forcing and you will be logged almost for sure.

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Where can i find this wordlist after i create this ?!

¬¬u  In \external\ there's wordlist-gen.exe, you exe it, you go through options and let it create... Once if's over you'll see in \external\ a file called DICTION.ARY ...


I have to say that most of the servers have measures against this kind of brute forcing and you will be logged almost for sure.

man do u have a video ?
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Well a video won't help u much, because this operation isn't something standard, but differs. Give it a few tries and u will learn it!


For example: Execute it and type 2-2-n-n-y-n-n-n and u will have a password list from 00-99 ;)

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Well a video won't help u much, because this operation isn't something standard, but differs. Give it a few tries and u will learn it!


For example: Execute it and type 2-2-n-n-y-n-n-n and u will have a password list from 00-99 ;)

heh sure {: but i m woundering how can i get the acc from one serv that isn`t in the list i try to add it but nothing happens ];
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yes me tooo!!!

but really with this programm, you can find password for an account ? :D

that's beautiful!!! well, it must do an explication in english plzzz

besides, if it must have the name of account to find its passwords??

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I'm telling you most of the l2off servers (at least good ones) have the stored procedure used for login ingame modified so that you can only make 5 tries every 15 mins or so...

As an example, lineage.ro (aka dexternet) bans the account for 15 minutes if there are too many login attempts...

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I'm telling you most of the l2off servers (at least good ones) have the stored procedure used for login ingame modified so that you can only make 5 tries every 15 mins or so...

As an example, lineage.ro (aka dexternet) bans the account for 15 minutes if there are too many login attempts...


So, no la2brute there ;)

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There are rumors that there is already a 1.6 version of la2.brute.....but i must say it is very difficult to get it as all the russian hack forums need you to be their user and have some amount of posts to get a file!!!

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1)Use Load from file in Password list section to load password list from file (eg. passwords.lst, but u can create yours in .txt file)

2)Username List---> type username click ctrl+enter and next username ctrl+enter and next username etc (username like pussy, devil, johny, johny666 etc, u know what i mean)

3)IP--> find IP adress of server in maxbastard.gr l2walker section (or other l2walker forum), yes l2walker and l2brute IP is the same thing

4)TOKEN--> the same thing like with ip, search token for your server at l2walker forum (it must look like XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX)

5)Port-->same like IP and TOKEN, search on l2walker forum, but most of servers (or all servers) use Post=2106

6)Click STAR and yeahh... if uwant to STOP searching click button betwen START and CLEAR, clear is clearing your histry log lol....

7)If L2brute will find  any pass it will say it in history log, it will look like: SUCCES: [russian word] login [russian word] password btw or you succes are stored in attack file in your l2brute folder... good luck


Koyfo, using your pic isn't any problem? ty for it

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