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Posted (edited)

WTS Adena on Averia.ws


Stock: 1kkk sold

Cheap prices , pm

Moirai Heavy set 



Using paypal.


WTS Adena on Naia


Stock: 10kkk

Price 32e / 1kkk  sold

Edited by DaveParker

probably a scammer... lol man i am sorry you got scammed by braindead monkeys... but you can not accuse everybody here for being a scammer without any proof.... i never made a transaction with you , and i never will just because of your fowl mouth

Posted (edited)

Yes you did and you are one who scame me    so admin please BAN this person and block his IP so he cant join this web sit ever again

This is "RedPhono=DavePark"


[2/16/2014 1:04:04 AM] RedPhono: adena on naia
[2/16/2014 7:32:39 AM] slayrealm: Hi Adis Pehlic, I'd like to add you as a contact. RedPhono
[2/16/2014 7:32:48 AM] *** Adis Pehlic has shared contact details with DavePark. ***
[2/16/2014 5:52:26 PM] RedPhono: hello
[2/16/2014 5:53:23 PM] RedPhono: from maxcheaters
[2/16/2014 5:53:26 PM] RedPhono: wts adena on naia
[2/16/2014 5:53:29 PM] RedPhono: still interested?
[2/16/2014 5:53:57 PM] Adis Pehlic: hi
[2/16/2014 5:54:03 PM] Adis Pehlic: y
[2/16/2014 5:54:11 PM] Adis Pehlic: price for bill???
[2/16/2014 5:54:12 PM] RedPhono: i have ~10kkk
[2/16/2014 5:54:18 PM] Adis Pehlic: oh that is you
[2/16/2014 5:54:31 PM] Adis Pehlic: well i was just trying to replay on your mail
[2/16/2014 5:54:38 PM] RedPhono: 30$ / 1kkk
[2/16/2014 5:55:00 PM] Adis Pehlic: oh nice
[2/16/2014 5:55:14 PM] Adis Pehlic: on naia right??
[2/16/2014 5:55:17 PM] RedPhono: yes
[2/16/2014 5:55:20 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok
[2/16/2014 5:55:26 PM] Adis Pehlic: i can buy 6 bill
[2/16/2014 5:55:45 PM] RedPhono: 6kkk?
[2/16/2014 5:55:49 PM] Adis Pehlic: y
[2/16/2014 5:55:53 PM] RedPhono: that's 180 $
[2/16/2014 5:56:08 PM] RedPhono: how you want to do it?  , i can transact in pieces for your own safety
[2/16/2014 5:56:08 PM] Adis Pehlic: y
[2/16/2014 5:56:34 PM] Adis Pehlic: well we can do like that
[2/16/2014 5:56:39 PM] Adis Pehlic: i have few chars
[2/16/2014 5:56:45 PM] Adis Pehlic: 3 bill on each
[2/16/2014 5:56:51 PM] Adis Pehlic: so i can log 2 char
[2/16/2014 5:56:53 PM] RedPhono: always make a new one
[2/16/2014 5:56:56 PM] RedPhono: just in case
[2/16/2014 5:57:06 PM] Adis Pehlic: well i heard lot of sugestion
[2/16/2014 5:57:12 PM] Adis Pehlic: never use lvl 1 char
[2/16/2014 5:57:17 PM] Adis Pehlic: or etc
[2/16/2014 5:57:19 PM] Adis Pehlic: :)
[2/16/2014 5:57:27 PM] RedPhono: ....
[2/16/2014 5:57:30 PM] RedPhono: never heard that
[2/16/2014 5:57:31 PM] RedPhono: lol
[2/16/2014 5:57:32 PM] RedPhono: xD
[2/16/2014 5:57:34 PM] RedPhono: always used lvl 1 char
[2/16/2014 5:57:37 PM] Adis Pehlic: i start buying adene like 6 mounth ago
[2/16/2014 5:57:44 PM] Adis Pehlic: ever had problems
[2/16/2014 5:57:50 PM] Adis Pehlic: never had any problems
[2/16/2014 5:57:55 PM] RedPhono: cool
[2/16/2014 5:58:07 PM] RedPhono: meh they can ban you even for 100kk
[2/16/2014 5:58:08 PM] RedPhono: xD
[2/16/2014 5:58:12 PM] RedPhono: but they dont
[2/16/2014 5:58:28 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol they can ban you for anything
[2/16/2014 5:58:46 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok leg me log my char
[2/16/2014 5:58:55 PM] Adis Pehlic: and then i do transaction
[2/16/2014 5:58:59 PM] RedPhono: ok
[2/16/2014 6:00:39 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok on what email i should send
[2/16/2014 6:00:58 PM] Adis Pehlic: and bdw send all on same char
[2/16/2014 6:01:02 PM] RedPhono: you sure?
[2/16/2014 6:01:07 PM] RedPhono: you want them all on 1 char?
[2/16/2014 6:01:12 PM] Adis Pehlic: causei transfer from him after one min
[2/16/2014 6:01:13 PM] Adis Pehlic: :)
[2/16/2014 6:01:16 PM] Adis Pehlic: just in case
[2/16/2014 6:01:18 PM] RedPhono: oh
[2/16/2014 6:01:18 PM] RedPhono: ok
[2/16/2014 6:01:23 PM] RedPhono: paypal is make_cipan@yahoo.com
[2/16/2014 6:01:25 PM] Adis Pehlic: i never use my main
[2/16/2014 6:01:37 PM] RedPhono: yes but they can ban you ip or hardware
[2/16/2014 6:01:38 PM] RedPhono: ...
[2/16/2014 6:01:39 PM] RedPhono: be carefull xD
[2/16/2014 6:01:56 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol
[2/16/2014 6:02:46 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok woh you wana do this
[2/16/2014 6:02:51 PM] Adis Pehlic: i pay feed or??
[2/16/2014 6:02:58 PM] RedPhono: if you want as gift
[2/16/2014 6:03:02 PM] RedPhono: so you dont get any comiision
[2/16/2014 6:03:28 PM] Adis Pehlic: how i do that
[2/16/2014 6:03:49 PM] RedPhono: wait let me open the paypal
[2/16/2014 6:03:53 PM] Adis Pehlic: i know only I'm paying for goods or services
[2/16/2014 6:03:59 PM] Adis Pehlic: I'm sending money to family or friends
[2/16/2014 6:04:05 PM] Adis Pehlic: there is only 2 options
[2/16/2014 6:04:08 PM] RedPhono: yeah to family or friends
[2/16/2014 6:04:23 PM] Adis Pehlic: y then i pay for feed
[2/16/2014 6:04:27 PM] Adis Pehlic: is ok
[2/16/2014 6:04:33 PM] RedPhono: it isnt free?
[2/16/2014 6:04:46 PM] Adis Pehlic: $8.22 USD fee if you pay using your credit or debit card.
[2/16/2014 6:04:54 PM] Adis Pehlic: :)
[2/16/2014 6:04:55 PM] RedPhono: yes
[2/16/2014 6:04:56 PM] RedPhono: that means
[2/16/2014 6:04:58 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok 180$
[2/16/2014 6:05:01 PM] RedPhono: if you have the money in your credit card
[2/16/2014 6:05:07 PM] Adis Pehlic: y
[2/16/2014 6:05:08 PM] RedPhono: but you have them on the paypal account
[2/16/2014 6:05:12 PM] RedPhono: ?
[2/16/2014 6:05:13 PM] Adis Pehlic: no
[2/16/2014 6:05:21 PM] Adis Pehlic: i conect my credit card to paypal
[2/16/2014 6:05:24 PM] RedPhono: ohh
[2/16/2014 6:05:40 PM] Adis Pehlic: way easier
[2/16/2014 6:05:50 PM] RedPhono: more taxes
[2/16/2014 6:05:50 PM] RedPhono: xD
[2/16/2014 6:06:59 PM] Adis Pehlic: hmm
[2/16/2014 6:07:02 PM] Adis Pehlic: give me one min \
[2/16/2014 6:07:06 PM] Adis Pehlic: something is wrong
[2/16/2014 6:07:09 PM] RedPhono: sure
[2/16/2014 6:07:10 PM] RedPhono: xD
[2/16/2014 6:08:21 PM] Adis Pehlic: We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now.
[2/16/2014 6:08:22 PM] Adis Pehlic: damn
[2/16/2014 6:08:24 PM] Adis Pehlic: wth
[2/16/2014 6:08:28 PM] Adis Pehlic: hmm
[2/16/2014 6:08:42 PM] RedPhono: limited account maybe?
[2/16/2014 6:08:47 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok let me try someting else
[2/16/2014 6:08:55 PM] Adis Pehlic: no it is verified
[2/16/2014 6:08:58 PM] RedPhono: dont do it as gift then
[2/16/2014 6:09:05 PM] RedPhono: maybe its big ammount and thats why idk
[2/16/2014 6:09:13 PM] RedPhono: never hard this problem before
[2/16/2014 6:09:17 PM] Adis Pehlic: let me try ass good
[2/16/2014 6:09:22 PM] Adis Pehlic: i add 9$ more
[2/16/2014 6:09:56 PM] Adis Pehlic: no
[2/16/2014 6:10:01 PM] Adis Pehlic: give me  min
[2/16/2014 6:10:09 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol first time i had this problem
[2/16/2014 6:10:13 PM] RedPhono: ok
[2/16/2014 6:10:18 PM] RedPhono: me too (worry)
[2/16/2014 6:10:22 PM] RedPhono: never saw it again
[2/16/2014 6:11:09 PM] Adis Pehlic: can you send email again
[2/16/2014 6:11:13 PM] Adis Pehlic: maybe i got it wrong
[2/16/2014 6:11:15 PM] RedPhono: sure
[2/16/2014 6:11:19 PM] RedPhono: make_cipan@yahoo.com
[2/16/2014 6:11:42 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol
[2/16/2014 6:11:48 PM] Adis Pehlic: this is sh1t
[2/16/2014 6:11:54 PM] RedPhono: still not working?
[2/16/2014 6:11:58 PM] RedPhono: maybe you dont have sufficient funds
[2/16/2014 6:12:01 PM] Adis Pehlic: let me try relog my paypal
[2/16/2014 6:12:53 PM] Adis Pehlic: let me try pay 120
[2/16/2014 6:12:58 PM] Adis Pehlic: maybe 180 it to much
[2/16/2014 6:13:02 PM] RedPhono: or 90
[2/16/2014 6:13:04 PM] RedPhono: something like that
[2/16/2014 6:13:07 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok
[2/16/2014 6:13:14 PM] RedPhono: maybe your wife made some extra shopping
[2/16/2014 6:13:15 PM] RedPhono: :)
[2/16/2014 6:13:36 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol i have some money on my card :)
[2/16/2014 6:13:41 PM] RedPhono:  ^^
[2/16/2014 6:14:04 PM] Adis Pehlic: hmmi thing something wrong with paypay
[2/16/2014 6:14:20 PM] Adis Pehlic: ok i call my bank
[2/16/2014 6:14:27 PM] RedPhono: np
[2/16/2014 6:14:29 PM] RedPhono: got plenty time
[2/16/2014 6:14:33 PM] RedPhono: try this
[2/16/2014 6:14:37 PM] RedPhono: claudiu.ioja@gmail.com
[2/16/2014 6:14:42 PM] RedPhono: a friend's paypal
[2/16/2014 8:59:07 PM] Adis Pehlic: hey are you there
[2/16/2014 8:59:15 PM] Adis Pehlic: i think it is working now
[2/16/2014 8:59:22 PM] RedPhono: yes i am here
[2/16/2014 8:59:25 PM] RedPhono: brb bathroom 1 min xD
[2/16/2014 8:59:29 PM] Adis Pehlic: let me try
[2/16/2014 8:59:36 PM] RedPhono: oke i go fast bathroom
[2/16/2014 8:59:37 PM] RedPhono: 30 sec
[2/16/2014 9:00:17 PM] Adis Pehlic: Adis, you have sent $180.00 USD to Misaca Iancu Stelian.
[2/16/2014 9:00:20 PM] Adis Pehlic: oh finaly
[2/16/2014 9:00:30 PM] Adis Pehlic: please check
[2/16/2014 9:01:41 PM] RedPhono: ok back
[2/16/2014 9:01:47 PM] RedPhono: sure give me 1 min to open paypal
[2/16/2014 9:01:49 PM] Adis Pehlic: please check
[2/16/2014 9:03:44 PM] Adis Pehlic: Char name is Maca1
[2/16/2014 9:07:40 PM] Adis Pehlic: you got it???
[2/16/2014 9:11:46 PM] Adis Pehlic: man you there? ????
[2/16/2014 9:12:30 PM] Adis Pehlic: pls man i need to buy something
[2/16/2014 9:14:56 PM] Adis Pehlic: dude come on
[2/16/2014 9:16:33 PM] Adis Pehlic: Call to DavePark, no answer.
[2/16/2014 9:17:13 PM] Adis Pehlic: lol somebody will buy it before me
[2/16/2014 9:17:19 PM] Adis Pehlic: come one dude
[2/16/2014 9:18:11 PM] Adis Pehlic: Char name is Maca1
[2/16/2014 9:18:14 PM] Adis Pehlic: pls fast
[2/16/2014 9:20:04 PM] Adis Pehlic: Call to DavePark, no answer.
[2/16/2014 9:20:21 PM] Adis Pehlic: :(
[2/16/2014 9:20:39 PM] Adis Pehlic: i will cry now if sombody buy that ithem before me
[2/16/2014 9:22:07 PM] Adis Pehlic: omg dude come on
[2/16/2014 9:22:20 PM] Adis Pehlic: dont be an asholl
[2/16/2014 9:32:47 PM] Adis Pehlic: omg dude dont be scamer pls


and this is where you  delete me from skype list

so you need any more proof!!!!


return my money or send my adena!!!!

Edited by pehla81
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