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[Trick] How to faster power level in some servers


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If you dont have titan or dont have good ekips, create a necro/summoner and summon a servitor then pt the char that you want to power level, then be distant of the char that will be power leveled and make your summon atack mobs around your noob char. The exp will not go to you because you is so distant, and will not go to your summon, but will go all to your noob char.

Its very usefull, but in some servers this don't work.  8)

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If you dont have titan or dont have good ekips, create a necro/summoner and summon a servitor then pt the char that you want to power level, then be distant of the char that will be power leveled and make your summon atack mobs around your noob char. The exp will not go to you because you is so distant, and will not go to your summon, but will go all to your noob char.

Its very usefull, but in some servers this don't work.  8)


low lvl = NOOB ? o.O

btw if U R distant, U can't see mob, but your "noob char :D" can target them and you can assist him by right-clicking on party stats :)


i think that lvling works on C4, I can test today maybe :)

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the exp distance doesnt have a 5000000000000 big range ... you only need stay a little bit far away and if you have a nice graka and dont need play on lower detail then you see wide so ....


it works on c5 off

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