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Is that a scam or new trick ?


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hey ppl, the other day i was walknig with my dagger with a Bloody orchid and this guy tells me he can over enchant the weapon, i was in giran, he tells me i have to drop it in a far away corner inside giran, ithink it was near the pet manager. anyhow, he says he will not pick it up, and he sits down, nearly in front of me, me being all doubtfull ask him to do it himself, but he refused, so i just walked away.

But damn curiosity is getting the best of me, has anyone heard of such bug ? o scam? how does it work ?

sorry for posting here, could find the request exploit section.

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well,it's old


first u go and u find a NOOB ...

u invite him in RANDOM pt and u tell to him <drop your weapon i will sit here bla bla bla>

then he do that without think a moment that RANDOM PT..


and u takes his weapon (STEAL IT)



so,it's 101% SCAM

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yep, 100% scam, there's no magic gay to enchant a weapon, no matter how incredible it looks and they propose, it's just luck. period.

the only one who can overenchat your weapon is an admin/GM, good luck with that (actually he takes yours and gives you a +16, whatever)

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lol a beep -ing old way to become some new items


you can make it with NOOBS or try it after your server made a move (C5 -> Interlude) then even some expirienced Players fall into this trap^^

but you'll need a Overenchanted Weapon to get the trust of the Noob^^

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