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Καλησπερα και χρονια πολλα αν και λιγο αργα....Αλλα δεν βαριεσαι καλιο αργα παρα ποτε...Λοιπον ερχομαι σημερα να κανω share αυτο το guide/code οπως θελεται μπορειτε να το πειτε...Διοτι υπαρχει ιδι αλλα καμια φορα δεν εχει τα αποτελεσματα που περιμενουμε...Η διαφορα ειναι πως αν δεν μας δουλεψει το γυρναμε σαν χειροκινιτα μετα μεχρι να βρουμε το προβλημα ;)....Ας ξεκινησουμε... 


Για αρχη δημιουργουμε ενα νεο αρχειο με το ονομα SiegeManagerCmd.java σε αυτο το σημειο("com\l2j\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers\") και βαζουμε τον παρακατω κοδικα:

package com.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;

import com.l2j.Config;
import com.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;
import com.l2j.gameserver.managers.CastleManager;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
import com.l2j.gameserver.model.entity.siege.Castle;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import com.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SiegeInfo;

 * @author LastWarrior
 * @version 1.0.0

public class SiegeManagerCmd implements IVoicedCommandHandler
       private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS =

       public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)
    	   if (Config.ENABLE_GNU_PANEL)
    		   if (command.startsWith("castlemanager"))

               if (command.startsWith("siege_")) {
                       if (activeChar.getClan() != null && !activeChar.isClanLeader())
                           activeChar.sendMessage("Only Clan Leader can be use this command");
                               return false;

                       int castleId = 0;

                       if (command.startsWith("siege_of_gludio"))
            			   castleId = 1;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Gludio Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_dion"))
            			   castleId = 2;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Dion Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_giran"))
            			   castleId = 3;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Giran Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_oren"))
            			   castleId = 4;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Oren Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_aden"))
            			   castleId = 5;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Aden Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_innadril"))
            			   castleId = 6;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Innadril Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_goddard"))
            			   castleId = 7;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Goddard Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_rune"))
            			   castleId = 8;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Rune Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_schuttgart"))
            			   castleId = 9;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Schuttgart Castle");

                       Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(castleId);
                       if(castle != null && castleId != 0)
                    	   activeChar.sendPacket(new SiegeInfo(castle));
               return true;
    	   else if (!Config.ENABLE_GNU_PANEL)
    		   if (command.startsWith("castlemanager"))

               if (command.startsWith("siege_")) {
                       if (activeChar.getClan() != null && !activeChar.isClanLeader())
                           activeChar.sendMessage("Only Clan Leader can be use this command");
                               return false;

                       int castleId = 0;

                       if (command.startsWith("siege_of_gludio"))
            			   castleId = 1;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Gludio Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_dion"))
            			   castleId = 2;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Dion Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_giran"))
            			   castleId = 3;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Giran Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_oren"))
            			   castleId = 4;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Oren Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_aden"))
            			   castleId = 5;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Aden Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_innadril"))
            			   castleId = 6;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Innadril Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_goddard"))
            			   castleId = 7;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Goddard Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_rune"))
            			   castleId = 8;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Rune Castle");
            		   if (command.startsWith("siege_of_schuttgart"))
            			   castleId = 9;
            			   activeChar.sendMessage("Grettings from Schuttgart Castle");

                       Castle castle = CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleById(castleId);
                       if(castle != null && castleId != 0)
                    	   activeChar.sendPacket(new SiegeInfo(castle));
    	   return true;
       private void sendHtml(L2PcInstance activeChar)
               String htmFile = "data/html/mods/Castle_Info.htm";

               NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(5);
       private void sendErrorHtml(L2PcInstance activeChar)
               String htmFile = "data/html/mods/Castle_Error_Info.htm";

               NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(5);

       public String[] getVoicedCommandList()
               return VOICED_COMMANDS;

Μετα παμε ενα βημα πισω στο σημειο ("com\l2j\gameserver\handler\") και βρισκουμε το αρχειο "VoicedCommandHandler.java", το ανοιγουμε και προσθετουμε:

+import com.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.SiegeManagerCmd;

//private VoicedCommandHandler() βρισκουμε αυτο το σημειο και βαζουμε το παρακατω
+		{
+			registerVoicedCommandHandler(new SiegeManagerCmd());
+			System.out.println("Command_Castle_Manager is Enabled.");
+		}

Αφου κανουμε ενα save πανε λιγα βηματα πισω στο σημειο ("com\l2j\") και βρισκουμε το αρχειο "Config.java το ανοιγουμε και προσθετουμε:

//Mass Siege Castle Manager CMD
public static boolean ENABLE_GNU_PANEL;
		public static void loadMassSiegeCastleManagerConfig()
				Properties MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGERSettings = new Properties();
				InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGER));
				/** Mass Siege Castle Manager **/ 
				ENABLE_MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGER = Boolean.parseBoolean(MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGERSettings.getProperty("AllowMassSiegeCastleManager", "False"));
				ENABLE_GNU_PANEL = Boolean.parseBoolean(MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGERSettings.getProperty("Enable_GNU_Panel", "True"));
			catch(Exception e)
				throw new Error("Failed to Load " + MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGER + " File.");
//Βρισκουμε αυτο το σημειο και βαζουμε το παρακατω:
//public static void load()
//		if(ServerType.serverMode == ServerType.MODE_GAMESERVER)
//		{

Save...Μετα ανοιγουμε το αρχειο FService.java και προσθετουμε:

	public static final String MASS_SIEGE_CASTLE_MANAGER_FILE = "./config/Server_Commands/Siege_Info_Settings.ini";

Τωρα παμε στα Configs μας και δημιουργουμε εναν φακελο με το ονομα "Server_Commands" και μεσα σε αυτον ενα αρχειο με το ονομα "Siege_Info_Settings.ini" και προσθετουμε το παρακατω:

# Mass Siege Castle Manager Settings #

# Allow Players to use Mass Siege Castle Manager Command.
# Command .castlemanager
AllowMassSiegeCastleManager = False

# GNU Panel Settings
# If the command panel does't work set it false
# to show commands that can use character to have access into 
# Siege Information!
# !Make sure that the AllowMassSiegeCastleManager is TRUE to work this Config!
Enable_GNU_Panel = false

Αφου εχουμε τελειωσει με τον Core παμε στο Datapack μας στο σημειο "data\html\mods" και δημιουργουμε δυο αρχεια "Castle_Error_Info.htm & Castle_Info.htm" και προσθετουμε



<html><title>Castle Siege Manager</title>
<img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=258 height=1><br>
Welcome to Castle Manager Info!<br>
If you want to check Castles Siege Status<br>
Use command:<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_gludio</font> = Gludio Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_dion</font> = Dion Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_giran</font> = Giran Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_oren</font> = Oren Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_aden</font> = Aden Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_innadril</font> = Innadril Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_goddard</font> = Goddard Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_rune</font> = Rune Castle<br>
<font color="LEVEL">.siege_of_schuttgart</font> = Schuttgart Castle<br>
<img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=258 height=1><br>
*If you see this Menu it means that GNU grafic menu is<br>
under config<br>
<img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=258 height=1>


<html><title>Castle Siege Manager</title>
<tr><td align=center><font color="LEVEL">Choose The Castle Siege Manager.</font></td></tr>
<tr><td height=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_giran" value="Giran Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_aden" value="Aden Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_rune" value="Rune Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_oren" value="Oren Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_dion" value="Dion Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_gludio" value="Gludio Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_goddard" value="Goddard Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_schuttgart" value="Schuttgart Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center><button action="bypass -h voice .siege_of_innadril" value="Innadril Castle" width=200 height=27 back="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm_Down" fore="L2UI_CT1.OlympiadWnd_DF_HeroConfirm"></td></tr>
<img src="L2UI.SquareWhite" width=258 height=1>

Τελος...Αυτο ηταν τωρα σε περιπτωση που δεν δουλευει μεχρι να βρειτε η βρω το θεμα απλα αυτο το αφηνουμε Enable_GNU_Panel = false για να μας δειχνει τα commands αν δουλεψει το κανουμε true για να μας βγαζει κουμπια ;)

Posted (edited)

You've created greek topic in international section:


- Remember that this section is international, so you can't use your own native language, whenever you're willing to.


For more info see the section rules: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/112616-read-before-posting/

Edited by roko91
  • 3 weeks later...

why you dont did this then?


you just copy paste that and think you are the boss? wake up little girl

he is the boss ! his topic his rules :) wake up and stop bitching around 


Bitch please :O

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