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[REQUEST] Model edit: All NPC & Race models -> Squirrel

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I couldn't find anything similiar to this with search.


What I need:

All NPC & Race models -> Squirrel (or other small & low detailed model)

OR even better:

All NPC models -> Empty (You see no model)

All Race models -> Show only corpses


The reason I need this is multiboxing.


Tried myself with no results:

I've been trying to do this myself with dbc editing. I modified the patch-enUS-2.MPQ to change all races to squirrel. When I try to open wow with modeleditfix I get and error. I used this guide. When I have added CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc to the MPQ and removed the previous CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc file (the one with no edits) CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc I can no longer read what is inside the .dbc file. Also when I open wow with model edit fix (or withouth) I get error.

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