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L2Overdose Pack Interlude

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L2Overdose Interlude base l2j 

#L2Overdose Info

-Captcha Anti Bot

-Olympiad Retail

-TvT+Color name + Kills: Title and fixed all bugs




TvT = join leave





And moree



# ================================================================
#                       Offline trade & craft
# ================================================================
# Enable or disable offline trade mode
# Default: False
OfflineTradeEnable = False
# Enable or disable offline craft mode
# Default: False
OfflineCraftEnable = False
# Offline name color
OfflineSetNameColor = True
OfflineNameColor = 808080
# Restore offline traders/crafters after restart/shutdown.
# Default: false.
RestoreOffliners = False
# Restore offline characters for X days
#Default: 10
OfflineMaxDays = 10
#Disconnect shop after finished selling, buying.
#Default: True
OfflineDisconnectFinished = True
#                  Protection L2OverDose
# Check skills on enter 
# This script delet inlegal skills from player 
CheckSkillsOnEnter = True
# If "CheckSkillsOnEnter = True" set whitch skills don't be deleted. 
AllowedSkills = 246,247,325,326,327,1323,1324,1325,1326,1327 
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod
AntiFarmEnabled = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally
AntiFarmParty = True
AntiFarmIP = True
AntiFarmClanAlly = True
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# Alternative skill learn rules:
# - all classes can learn all skills
# - skills of another class costs x2 SP
# - skills of another race costs x2 SP
# - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP
AltGameSkillLearn = False
#                        Limits
# 1 - the speed limit conventional attack
# 2 - the speed limit magic attack
# 0 - do not put! 
MaxPAtkSpeed = 1500
MaxMAtkSpeed = 1600
# Limit normal crit (10 = 1%)
# Default: 500
MaxPCritRate = 500
# Limit the magic of Crete (10 = 1%)
# Default: 300
MaxMCritRate = 300
# if critical, damage = mcriticalPower*damage
MagicCriticalPower = 2.0
# An alternative calculation of damage skill daggers
# Divider damage. A large number - less damage.
DaggerDamage = 1.00
# This is a run speed modifier, set the default to 0 if you
# want this option disabled.
# Example:
# Setting this to 10 will increase a characters running
# speed by 10. Say normal is 100, now
# with this option enabled it is 110.
RunSpeedBoost = 0
# Maximum character running speed.
# Retail: 250
MaxRunSpeed = 250
#                     Character
#Player Can Heal Raid Bosses
PlayersCanHealRb = False
# Allow Direct Teleport To Boss Rooms
# If you put true the player can go on BOSS_ZONE without Quests
# If you put false the player will teleported on near town
# Default: False
AllowDirectTeleportToBossRoom= True
# This option is to enable or disable for normal players can hit NPC.
# NOTE: There's A Possibility That This Config. Will Reduce Game Lag
# Retail: True
PlayerHitNpc = True
# Announce Hero Name At Login
# This sctipt will announce when Hero login.
AnnounceHeroLogin = True
#Announce Castle Lord-Thanks Dario!
AnnounceCastleLords = True
# Custom hero subclass skill
# Allow you to add the hero skills to all subclasses
# CustomHeroSubSkill is the allow/disallow
# HeroCount means how many times the player needs to be a hero in row
CustomHeroSubSkill = True
#QuakeSystem-Thanks Dario!
QuakeSystem = True
PvPCount1 = 4
PvPCount2 = 6
PvPCount3 = 8
PvPCount4 = 10
PvPCount5 = 12
PvPCount6 = 14
PvPCount7 = 16
PvPCount8 = 18
PvPCount9 = 20
PvPCount10 = 24
PvPAnnounce1 = is Dominating!
PvPAnnounce2 = is on a Rampage!
PvPAnnounce3 = is on a Killing Spree!
PvPAnnounce4 = is on a Monster Kill!
PvPAnnounce5 = is Unstoppable!
PvPAnnounce6 = is on an Ultra Kill!
PvPAnnounce7 = is Godlike!
PvPAnnounce8 = is Wicked Sick!
PvPAnnounce9 = is on a Ludricrous Kill!
PvPAnnounce10 = is on a Holy Shit!
# Low level char killing protection 
# If enabled players can pvp only in the same grade 
# 0-19,20-39,40-51,52-60,61-76,76-85 
AllowLowLvlProtect = True
ClanLeaderNameColorEnabled = True
ClanLeaderColor = FF00FF
ClanLeaderColorAtClanLevel = 8
# Color Where?
# 1 - Name
# 2 - Title
ClanLeaderColored = 2
# Set this option to True to enable custom titles on new chars.
# Replace "Equal" with the custom start tittle you want.
CharTitle = True
CharAddTitle = Vote For Us
# Allow custom starting lvl False by default
# lvl 80 and 100% instantly
AllowCustomStartLvl = True
CustomStartLvl = 80
# Set this to True if you want to add a custom spawn location for ALL new characters.
CustomSpawn = True
SpawnX = 83148
SpawnY = 147698
SpawnZ = -3469
# Leave buffs on die, if false the effects will be not stopped on die
LeaveBuffsOnDie = False
# Heavy Equipment Restriction
# IF False , Dagger Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowDaggersUseHeavy = True
# IF False , Archer Classes Won't Be Able To Use Heavy Armors
AllowArchersUseHeavy = True
# IF Set To True Then , When Someone Presses .online He Gets a Message Like 
# There Are x Players Online! ( x is the Number Of Players That Are Currently On >.< )
AllowOnlineCommand = True
# When you change/add subclass the weapon is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveWeaponSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the chest is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveChestSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the leg is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveLegSubclass = True
#Disable Bow for classes: write here classes id 
#that you dnt want allow to use BOW. Class id examples,
#you can find others into char_templates database table
# e.g. DisableBowForClasses=107,110
DisableBowForClasses = 113,90,98,114,46,5,106,33,99,20,91,6
# Allow player to add/change subclass at all village master
# Default: False
AltSubclassEverywhere = True
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scheme Buffer
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable / Disable Feature
# Default vale: False
NPCBufferEnabled = True
# Max schemes that a player can store. Please, do not use too big values
# Default value: 4 (one per subclass...)
NPCBufferMaxSchemesPerChar = 4
# Max skills that a player can store in each scheme. Please, do not use too big values.
# This value should match to max buffs a player can carry
# Default value: 24 (max buffs are 20+4 in retail)
NPCBufferMaxSkllsperScheme = 36
# This enables/disables storing character schemes at server shutdown to database
# Default = True
NPCBufferStoreSchemes = True
# This is to bypasss SQL Adena amount reference so that you can set the same cost for all
# or even setting them for free.
# Free = 0
# Disabled = -1 (if you want to read adena from SQL)
# Default value: -1
NPCBufferStaticCostPerBuff = 0
# ---------------------------------------
# Change Name's Color Via PvP's
# ---------------------------------------
# Each Amount will change the name color to the values defined here.
# Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change
# according to the ColorForAmount value.
# Note: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 1.
PvpAmount1 = 100
ColorForAmount1 = FFF000
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 2.
PvpAmount2 = 250
ColorForAmount2 = FF1199
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 3.
PvpAmount3 = 500
ColorForAmount3 = FF2400
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 4.
PvpAmount4 = 1500
ColorForAmount4 = 00FF00
# Pvp Amount & Name color level 5.
PvpAmount5 = 2500
ColorForAmount5 = 00FFFF
# ---------------------------------------
# Change Title's Color Via Pk's
# ---------------------------------------
# Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color.
# Example:  PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change
# according to the Title For Amount
# WAN: Colors Must Use RGB format
EnablePkColorSystem = False
# Pk Amount & Title color level 1.
PkAmount1 = 500
TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 2.
PkAmount2 = 1000
TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 3.
PkAmount3 = 1500
TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 4.
PkAmount4 = 2500
TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00
# Pk Amount & Title color level 5.
PkAmount5 = 5000
TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00
#       Custom Noblesse Item Configuration                    =                                 
# Noble Custom Item Configuration.
# Item Id = 6673.
# When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status.
EnableNobleCustomItem = True
NItemID = 6673
SubClassNeededToUseNobleCustomItem = True
#       Banking Command Configuration                         =                                 
# To enable banking system set this value to true, default is false.
BankingEnabled = True
# This is the amount of Goldbars someone will get when they do the .deposit command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .withdraw
BankingGoldbarCount = 1
# This is the amount of Adena someone will get when they do the .withdraw command, and also the same amount they will lose when they do .deposit
BankingAdenaCount = 500000000
#                        AIO System
EnableAioSystem = True
# Enable / Disable Name Color
AllowAioNameColor = True
AioNameColor = 88AA88
# Enable / Disable Title Color
AllowAioTitleColor = True
AioTitleColor = 88AA88
# List of Aio Skills
# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;
AioSkills = 1085,3;1304,3;1087,3;1354,1;1062,2;1243,6;1045,6;1048,6;163,1;\
# Custom item for AIO
AllowAIOItem = True
# ID of the item that will be given to AIO
# Default: Keshanberk*Keshanberk
ItemIdAio = 5233
#                     Auto Vote Reward
# Enable vote system
EnableVoteSystem = True
# Votes required for reward.
VotesRequiredForReward = 5
# Votes system initial delay.
VotesSystemInitialDelay = 120000
# Votes system step delay.
VotesSystemStepDelay = 600000
# Reward (item, count).
# Example: 6392,20;5575,10000
VotesHopZoneRewards = 9595,5;
VotesTopZoneRewards = 9595,5;
# Site URL.
# Leave empty to disable one site if you need just one of these.


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Team vs. Team Event Engine (by FBIagent)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# <u><b><font color="red">WARNING: this mod require custom NPC table support turned on !</font></b></u>
# CustomNpcTable = True in General.properties
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable/Disable TvTEvent System
TvTEventEnabled = True
# Times TvT will occur (24h format).
TvTEventInterval = 1:30,3:30,5:30,7:30,9:30,10:30,12:30,14:30,16:30,17:30,00:30
# Registration timer from start of event (in minutes).
TvTEventParticipationTime = 10
# Event running time (in minutes).
TvTEventRunningTime = 10
# TvT Event NPC (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc).
TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 50009
# TvT Event Participation Fee (itemId, number). Fee is not returned.
# Example: 57,100000
# Default = none
TvTEventParticipationFee = 0,0
# Location for TvTEvent NPC to spawn in form x,y,z[,heading]
TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 116454,76018,-2728
# Min/Max amount of players allowed in each team.
TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1
TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 200
# Min/Max level of players that may join the event.
TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 76
TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80
# Repsawn and exit delay timers (in seconds).
TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10
TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10
# First Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTEventTeam1Name = Angels
TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 83696,255098,-11671
# Second Team - Name, Start/Death x,y,z location.
TvTEventTeam2Name = Demons
TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 87508,259029,-11676
# Reward for winning team.
# Example: TvTEventReward = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount
TvTEventReward = 6393,10
# TvTEvent Rules
TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True
TvTEventScrollsAllowed = False
TvTEventPotionsAllowed = False
TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = False
# Door ID's to open/close on start/end.
# Example: TvTDoorsToOpen = 1;2;3;4;5;6
TvTDoorsToOpen = 
TvTDoorsToClose = 
# Should both teams get reward if there's a tie?
TvTRewardTeamTie = False
# Participant's effects handling on teleport/death.
# Effects lasting through death never removed.
# 0 - always remove all effects.
# 1 - remove all effects only during port to event (noblesse blessing can be used)
# 2 - never remove any effect
# Default: 0
TvTEventEffectsRemoval = 0
# Fighter-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1501,1;1502,1;1499,1
TvTEventFighterBuffs = 1204,2;1068,3;1086,2;1062,1
# Mage-class participants will be buffed with those buffs each respawn
# Format: skill1Id,skill1Level;skill2Id,skill2Level...
# Example: 1504,1;1500,1;1501,1;1085,3
TvTEventMageBuffs = 1204,2;1062,1;1059,3;1085,3
# Allow Voiced command (.tvtjoin/.tvtleave)
# During TVT Event Registration time to allow players register/unregister from event.
# Default: False
TvTAllowRegisterVoicedCommand = True
# Enable Dual Box protection.
# Default: False
TvTEnableDualBoxProtection = True
# Restore player position before TvT Event start.
# Default: True
TvTRestorePlayerOldPosition = True
# Define if TvTEvent will reward everyone or only players who have killed 1 or more.
# Default: False
TvTRewardOnlyKillers = True
# Allow TvT Participant's to attack and be attacked in Peace Zones?
# Default: True
TvTAllowPeaceAttack = True
# Restore CP, HP and MP after Join/Revive?
# Default: False
TvTRestoreCPHPMP = False


#  ______ _  __                         _                                                        
# |  ____| |/ _|                       | |                                                       
# | |__  | | |_ ___   ___ _ __ __ _ ___| |__                                                     
# |  __| | |  _/ _ \ / __| '__/ _` / __| '_ \                                                    
# | |____| | || (_) | (__| | | (_| \__ \ | | |                                                   
# |______|_|_| \___/ \___|_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|            _                    _                 
# \ \    / /  | |                                        | |                  | |                
#  \ \  / /__ | |_ ___     _ __ _____      ____ _ _ __ __| |     ___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___  
#   \ \/ / _ \| __/ _ \   | '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / _` | '__/ _` |    / __| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ 
#    \  / (_) | ||  __/   | | |  __/\ V  V / (_| | | | (_| |    \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
#     \/ \___/ \__\___|   |_|  \___| \_/\_/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|    |___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
#                                                                     __/ |                      
#                                                                    |___/                       
# The characters will have a choice between 3 rewards.Set id for them
VoteRewardId1 = 9595
# Set the amount of each reward.
VoteRewardAmount1 = 20
# Set the seconds that the character has
# until he votes in the site's banners
SecondsToVote = 30
# Amount of votes a character must collect
# in order to get the 4th vote reward
ExtraRewVoteAm = 20
# PM ME Here
# add Skype:la2neon1
Edited by fofas™
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this guy l2neon is absoludly unskilled on java it's just a modified l2j pack also l2j have stoped working on interlude 2 years now and the bugs are so mutch same on balance , if you want the real overdose files pm stefoulis i dont thing he will share or sell them.Also i prefer a free version of acis indeed of this files.

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this guy l2neon is absoludly unskilled on java it's just a modified l2j pack also l2j have stoped working on interlude 2 years now and the bugs are so mutch same on balance , if you want the real overdose files pm stefoulis i dont thing he will share or sell them.Also i prefer a free version of acis indeed of this files.

Cause i was on L2Overdose Team too.. Only him got Overdose files..


This pack got a lot fixes and rework quests/raid boss

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  • Posts

    • I don't care what these random rats are typing to me. I will ruin their business for scamming other people's work. I'm very good at it, no matter what protection or obfuscation they add to their files. I will break them and share everything for free with the community that's what they deserve.
    • Look are you crazy or dumb? yes, im aware of this post, but i have NOTHING to do with it! unfortunately, when people sent me this post i even thought it was strange, and when i downloaded the server and the files really are without any protection, what do you want me to do about it? the reality is that im not even up to date on anything about Lineage anymore... im doing my things peacefully, bothering nobody.. He is talking about me, this guy is saying im the one who leaked or anyhting
    • Ps: I do know the guy, talked with him before, a few friends have bought stuff from him in the past and never had any issue. But hey, It happend so I'm posting it here. If he somehow answers back and sends the interface I will delete this post. A few days ago he made contact with me saying he had interface 474 code to sell. And since I also develop interfaces, I was interested in buying.   He told me the price, said he only accepted advcash/volet. I asked if he had any other crypto wallet or paypal email. He said no. After a while, he came back with a paypal email, in which we sent the money. But since its a new account, paypal blocked it for safekeeping. After this, he returned the money and we went to check on how to make a advcash/volet account. After a bit, we successfully created a "volet" account and transferred the money to him in 2 parts. 5 EUR first to check if he received the correct amount and later the 595 remaining to complete the 600 EUR for the asked price of the interface code and editors for it. His last message was on the 25th of September saying he wasn't home. Haven't heard from him since. I asked a friend of mine if he was legit and if he worked far from home and he did confirm this for me. But still. I would at least expect him to keep in touch with me to update his whereabouts and saying if he would need more time to arrive home. Here are the screens with the full discord conversation:    
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