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[Guide] Enchant Faster! With Hlapex And Macro


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Guys,this guide is usefull in servers with 100% enchant success rate or u have many many many many b.enchants.It a way to enchant not a way to raise the enchant rate.And hell yes ,it works,if it doesnt ,you have done something wrong.


The hlapex works... but the macro tool dont work!

You can enchant fast with one left click on enchant scroll but not set auto leftclick with the/any macro program :) the gameguard blocks this kind of programs... unless u bypass gg u dont have permition to use macro programs.


-=---=- you can enchant fast only with hlapex +++ don't need macro program( unless u r very lazy person :D ) -=---=-

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english translation:do you want me to remind you what the title says?it says:enchant with macro and hlapex...this iscalled  irony."you say read the topic first and in this topic you say different things from those which you claim.now it is my turn to say "mercy"(eleos)bb


original text from HeLL_GoD:Greek

8es na s pw ti leei o Titlos ? Enchant With hlapex and Macro...auto 8a pei eirwnia...les diavaste kana topic k les sto topic allo prama apo auto pou isxirizese...ere gousta!Seira m na pw..."DLD eleos...." bb


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MacMan90---OMG Show me the god damn server u get a gg error and i will enchant something ingame to see....

KoTs0s---If my post is causing that many useless posts then i will delete it....


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i don't get the gg error... when i start any macro program it works on desktop and windows and when i setactivewindow to Lineage 2 it opens the game window and it do nothing :) i don't really need macro program cuz i can press right button myself  :D


-=and again hlapex works fine! :]=-

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