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interlude [L2J]L2Order Vs Chaos Opening 29Th November, 17:00 Gmt +2


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And yeap site is down


Ddos on progress 




Guys the server change hardware and ddos protection to maximum,in the new beggining no more lagg.


Now our new protection hosted in...






Hyperfileter... Yea right ... ddos protection to maximum

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Server is down not because of ddos , we are improving the firewall and now its blocking all connections.

we will announce when the server is back online.

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Server is down not because of ddos , we are improving the firewall and now its blocking all connections.

we will announce when the server is back online.

Y right and you w8ted 48 hours to say that? 

If server had no DDos atack and you didint gave s weapons ( to donators OR DDosers so they will stop ) i am Jesus



Edit: Server was perfect before all the donations of S items

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Y right and you w8ted 48 hours to say that? 

If server had no DDos atack and you didint gave s weapons ( to donators OR DDosers so they will stop ) i am Jesus



Edit: Server was perfect before all the donations of S items



only two people donated for S grade I heard, didnt imba the server that much, down time does :P

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2 s weapon? Dont be redicilus

Did you cheked donation list? 

If yes you coult see there was no s items or any Just apiga

obviusly with some more $ you can get more.

Like Weapons to newbies as we so before server close again and some tt jew

Great from 1k dmg now i hited 400 dmg to hawkey 

and i got back 3.4k ... Yes thats Normaly...

The only one who got weapon NORMALY was iRak and he was farming 3 days for that...3k pvp

and the 2nd day we all so the Dragonic Bow .... of a newbie and today 4 more db from newbies again .... Yea right Nothing unusual

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Tsuku bought his bow legit also... only two Phantom Rangers from random clan donated for drac bows, as for other equipment ( armor; jewls) I have no idea. but I know tsuko's bow's legit cuz I gave him adena for it also ^^

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Tsuku bought his bow legit also... only two Phantom Rangers from random clan donated for drac bows, as for other equipment ( armor; jewls) I have no idea. but I know tsuko's bow's legit cuz I gave him adena for it also ^^

You told me 1 db .. othere 4? ...

Let it dude.. its obvius ....


The worst is admin/gm Lie or dont say anything ...

Today server got much DDos atack. Probably retards that wanted items 

admin the only think that posted was the xtmas event... realy now?

and after 48 hours of lag dc and down he say Maintrance.... yea sure


Server is down not because of ddos , we are improving the firewall and now its blocking all connections.

we will announce when the server is back online.


He noticed that connections were blocking after 48 hours?

or firewall was the reason of lag and dellay ...


DDos works like this

Small atack dellay 

bigger atacks dellay lag 

bigger atacks x2 lag, dc

biggest atack dc, down server

Huge atack down server for hours

Extreamly huge atack down server for days weeks

Today server was on "biggerst atacks" and going to Huge atacks 



Edite: server at night was about 150 vs 150 +

Chek it now ( or when will stay on for 2 days )

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You can say whatever you want as much as you want, it won't change any facts.

We don't answer because your posts are pathetic and meaningless, we learned to simply ignore people like you, who just go online to say whatever jumps into their minds without even thinking.

The server wasn't ddosed today, yes, its a maintenance actually, and people who were online in game know it because I announced that the server goes down before I took it offline.

We are improving it due to the network issues that were yestarday.

We do have hyperfilter protection which does its job great and trust me if we didn't have it, then the server wasn't going online even for a minute, we were under constant attacks since the first minute the server has launched by haters and people who run similar servers which they know they dont stand a chance againts us and our server's features in a 'normal fight' so they decide to try ddos and bring our server down in any way possible.


That's all I got to say regarding this matter, nothing more to add, server will be online once we finish putting the improvements we want and we'll announce it here/facebook/forum.

Good luck everyone,

L2 OvC Staff.

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Just 2 question


Since server starting lags and dcs 3 days ago

Did you notify players ?

i was Online from the 1st lag 

Nothing announce, 

And after 3-4 hours we see on forum we will be online in some minutes we make restart the machine

Also after rr lags were getting worst and worst

and server was restarted 2 - 3 times ( when my clan was kiling core )

No Announces

after almost two days you call a maintrance

and still cant oppen it...

You call this Profesional work?



So 2 questions 

Did you notify players ? in the right time ( bring some proof )

Even yestarday Shortly was realy shortly more then 12 hours already

You call this Profesional work? ( no need to answere we all know the answer )

If you dont want to answer its ok

i will no spam more your topic.

I will leave your topic and your server peacefully

Your server is profecional work, but Staff are not profecional

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The server is back online! good luck everyone.


The following update has been applied:

* In CTF maps when a player holds the flag the radar will point to the flag holder.
* Fixed a bug in mutant event that prevented casting any good magic.
* Summons will be restored to full when resummoned.
* Fixed expertise penalty.
* Improve/cleanup on mini events codes.
Added new map type:
* Fortress Siege
Added new map:
* Border Outpost (Fortress)
Add new mini events:
* Battlefield
* Treasure Hunt
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Server is Online for those who missed it !


I would like also to remind you all that tommorow we run our first x-mas event!

Make sure you have some free time tommorow evening for some good gaming!


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X-Mas Event - L2OVC (Unique)

The dark forces of the snowmens are about to attack the main cities of the Order and the Chaos!

their main goal is to destroy the big christmas tree !

our main goal is to defend and block their attack.

we need all of our man power we can get to defend the cities - your help is the most needed!


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