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Posted (edited)

Last alive server was l2 coyote ,looks like FREYA CLIENT ended with it...


From the last freya servers i saw only max 80-130 real online (l2 olynth had 200+ so it was the last real good freya server)



Hi5 gets easy 400 even 500 online as a PVP SERVER ,wh0t whoat??? why hi5? well i dont know ,i dont care


what i am asking is why u give up on Freya client just because some servers sucks or getting old? screw the logic ,why interlude is still alive though its worst client (for me at least ,i rather play a l2off c3 lol) . So yeah ,basically i wanted to make a freya server that will last for a very long time (l2sexi example) and not a hi5 one but now im making a hi5 because of that...


So whats the deal ,even epilogue is dead and its my favorite client for pvp servers ,dead where? here? sure! ,look at russians ,they only play epilogue midrates/pvp servers (most of servers are epilogue ,2nd are hi5) so what cuz i dont understand ,it have something to do with people who speak english ,maybe u hate freya/epilogue? 



Are you clients rascists?

Edited by Karasu
Posted (edited)

I think H5 is that popular cause it introduced many new stuff that improved the game without affecting its essence (as GOD chronicle did with Awakening system).

Edited by Lokus

I think people who relate clients to population should be hanged with a buttplug in their throats.


It makes people believe stupid sht like server quality depends on chronicle.


Then you gotta alotta hanging to do....


I think l2 general die :D i play a lot of years l2 but when i see the GOD GloryDays or Lindvior i Love it....
Its something new and fresh all that think with l2 untill h5 the same and the same the people start bored

The only way is the Interlude a bit closer to old time classic l2...

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