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Please Help Me With Online Server



hey ppl please i need help: at interlude server

i success make the server only lan ( only i can login there )

and i try make in online for all ppl ( enter from a ppls pc's )

what im doing there is bad  i dont know how to fix it for online serer

i know its only edit loginserver and gameserver (in l2.ini i know to put my external ip there) i guess i edit those bady for online server and i try this like a month already 

if someone can exactly explain me what i need to edit at gameserver and loginserver from the bigining until the end 

or you can send to my mail 1 gameserver and 1 loging server for online server how its suppose to be and i already try 



ty much

Edited by bigone28
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This is a L2OFF forum, so I suppose, navicat and port 9014 are not necessary in L2OFF...


Use the SQL Studio and check your lin2db table, you must have the correct WAN IP in the server table.

Edited by MXCDev
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