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interlude [L2J] Battle For Dawn - 01/11/13


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Battle for Dawn Interlude x100 November 1st!



Battle For Dawn network is one of the oldest private server networks operating since 2006 with its first server being C1 back in the day. We've been in Lineage2 business forever and know all ins and outs of it. This means that we are not offering short term servers and will not disappear at any given time. We have our own servers (physical boxes, not rented) in order to eliminate any issues that a 3rd party server provider might cause. Because of this we can offer extremely stable servers and gameplay.
Another our advantage is that throughout our whole 7 years of existence we've never had any corruption or any other internal issues so you can trust us that we will continue to remain so.

Unlike most of the other servers we run our own developed platform (not a l2j fork) that supports L2OFF scripts. All NPC stats, drops, spawns, skills are taken directly from REAL L2OFF files. Same thing counts for the AI's. If you want to know a difference between a l2j platform and ours - head to Primeval Isle and look up/walk around. You'll notice soon that 100% retail-like Primeval Isle behaves much differently that you all have seen on l2j. It is just one of the many features that separates us from the thousands of l2j servers that there are around.
On top of that we can promise you a very fast reaction time to bugs with most of the reported bugs getting fixed within a day of report. Server is updated several times per week to ensure smoothest experience that is possible for our players.

When it comes to donate we can happily say that we do not have any items that effect gameplay (such as BEWS, SA crystals, raw items or anything like that) in our donate shop. The donate shop is there only to gather enough money to cover server maintenance expenses.

Server start: November 1st.
Server chronicle: Interlude C6

Expected online: ~5000

Server rates:

  • Exp: x100
  • SP: x100
  • Adena: x75
  • Drop/Spoil: x50

Some retail features:

  • Subclass – full quest
  • Nobless – full quest
  • Castle/Clan Hall Sieges
  • All Zones up to Interlude working
  • Buff limit: 20 + 4 (with divine inspiration books)
  • Retail Cursed Weapon system
  • Dynamic Spawn System
  • Full OFF Geodata
  • All Player/NPC Skills Working like retail
  • Retail AI(Epics and other NPCs)

Some custom features:

  • Auto-skill learn up to 76lvl
  • GM-Shop up to C Grade
  • Offline Shop System
  • Battleground System
  • 2 weeks olympiad period
  • Various Custom Events(TVT/CTF etc.)
  • Dynamic random events that happen randomly
  • Free first class change via service NPC
  • Second class change via service NPC 3kk
  • Services NPC (Name change, PK cleaning, Inventory expansion and so on)
  • Premium (catacomb/necropolis) gatekeeper

To get a complete list of features and quest rates head to our features page: http://bfdr.eu/?page_id=12

Edited by lewzer
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Only few days left until grand opening @ November 1st 17:00 CET!

In the mean time we offer you to watch our promotional video to get you excited about this new season even more!


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Only few days left until grand opening @ November 1st 17:00 CET!

In the mean time we offer you to watch our promotional video to get you excited about this new season even more!


Seems like a nice server, definitely will go to play there. P.S. about the promo.. one of the best I ever saw :dat:


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