nery Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 thus need java to H5 that protects admin entering the game someone has it out there? # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Safe Admin System # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IMPORTANTE DESTACAR QUE SE O ADMIN NAO ESTIVER CONFIGURADO COMO SAFE ELE NAO PODERA # USAR OS COMANDOS DE RESTART E/OU SHUTDOWN ASSIM COMO OUTROS COMANDOS INGAME!! # Enable/Disable Safe Admin Protection. # Padrao: False EnableSafeAdminProtection = True # Safe Admin's Names: # Example: Name1,Name2,Name3 # Padrao: SafeAdminName = Gandalf,BossForever,Dedier # Punish for Unsafe Admins # 1 - Broadcast warning to GMs only # 2 - Kick Player # 3 - Kick & Ban Player # Padrao: 3 SafeAdminPunish = 3 # When a Safe Admin Login, GS will send a Log: # "Safe Admin: NAME has been logged in." # Padrao: False SafeAdminShowAdminEnter = True # Date format for block Ip command # Padrao: dd.MM.yy BlockDateFormat = dd.MM.yy # Time format for block Ip command # Padrao: HH:mm BlockHourFormat = HH:mm
0 ^Wyatt Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 You should try to explain it better with a proper english, I can't get what do you want. You should say which pack do you use. Moving it to l2j dev help.
0 SweeTs Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 You mean, there is a defined list with gm char names and if there is other name with gm access which isnt in the list, he get kicked and baned (configurable)?
0 N1nj4Styl3 Posted October 7, 2013 Posted October 7, 2013 You mean, there is a defined list with gm char names and if there is other name with gm access which isnt in the list, he get kicked and baned (configurable)? As I can understand he means when someone else logs with a GM char/admin char (different IP than the one which the GM registered with) so he gets auto kicked & banned. It will well work for Greeks/Bulgarians/Romanians, others.
0 nery Posted October 7, 2013 Author Posted October 7, 2013 You mean, there is a defined list with gm char names and if there is other name with gm access which isnt in the list, he get kicked and baned (configurable)? yes this same sorry my english I'm from Brazil then I'm using google translator
thus need java to H5 that protects admin entering the game someone has it out there?
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