Lineage II Classic Einhovant new project is looking for a skilled Java Developer to join our team!
If you're passionate about game development and eager to contribute to this project, we'd love to hear from you.
For more details, feel free to send us a message. Let’s create something amazing together!
Kalhspera se olous!
Shmera apofasisa na kanw egkatastash to mysql programma gia na anoi3w enan server dokimastiko!
Meta apo polu prospa8eio katalava oti kati paei strava k dn boro na kanw instal sthn database!
Prose3a oti to mysql ginetai egkatastash sto programm files x86 k sto database installer dn diavasei to x86!
Boreite na m peite kamia lush, h toulaxiston pws boro na to alla3w apo programm x86 se sketo!
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