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Euw Plat 3 Account


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Hi I'm selling my 3 months old LoL account , got all ADCs and a few more champions :

Akali,Alistar,Amumu,Annie,Ashe,Blitzcrank,Caitlyn,Cho'gath,Draven,Evelyn,Elise,Kennen,Malphite,Lulu,Master Yi,Nasus,Nidalee,Nunu,Ryze,Teemo,Thresh,Tristana,Tryndamere,Twisted Fate,Twitch,Varus,Vayne,Warwick

Skins :

Rocket girl tristana

Gladiator Draven

Almost-Prom King Amumu

3 Runes Pages

Rank : Platiunium 3 


PM if you are interested with your offer , I'll give every detail possible + teamviewer :)

Edited by zazazaza
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