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Well first of all i played on a server that GM gives rewards to all players in server when they want!


I was GM 3 times and Admin 1 and i never seen how they do it....


Some1 knows any GM command give items to players? and some1 knows any command to take items from players?


reply pls...



8 answers to this question

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I don't think this is a command but an Add-on or something ask a PRO Dev for this I know what u r talking about...


The same thing was on L2Storm when u won an event the team that won took some enchants or something

all people of teh team ;)


Yeah it's kool but not a Command... ;]

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//summon [itemname or itemid] [amount]---to single summon a item

//summon 2 [Enchanted] [itemname or itemid] [ammoun]--to a enchanted item. EX://summon2 35 dragon_salyer 1

Yes but this option doesnt allow you to give a reward to all winning team members, thats how to summon an item...

dragon_slayer* XD


This is an add-on or something ask someone that got an L2Off server you know just search top posters on L2Off shares ;)

and the ppl with a lot of karma ;)

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//summon [itemname or itemid] [amount]---to single summon a item

//summon 2 [Enchanted] [itemname or itemid] [ammoun]--to a enchanted item. EX://summon2 35 dragon_salyer 1

-.-' this is on Admin panel too, Item.

that isnt the aswer i need, i need so kind of command or something to give to all players on-line a reward....


I don't think this is a command but an Add-on or something ask a PRO Dev for this I know what u r talking about...


yeah i think that is a Action by Elanye or something like that, thanks btw...

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Hah, I had tried a few real GM commands on this server, and i was a regular player, i tried ///fly, and i started to fly backwards. Ofcoarse it was a client - sided command, meaning it wasnt REALLY happening, just happening on my screen. :P

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