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[Drama]You are not racist, You are just different.


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Well, in general, drama topics are good for a forum healthy since it produce activity but regarding that, my intention is not to offend anyone, in fact I/we got our own defects as well.


What's about in this topic?

I want you guys to talk about other nationalities defects or qualities regarding their way to play this game. Most of us got almost the same character as our countrymen.

Please give argue your post, no matter if is game related or real life, otherwise I find myself obliged to report you for being a flamer.


Why is this useful?

some of you play as clan leaders, or just solo, but is very important to understand the person next to you. much better if you can anticipate his next move.



I find polish ppl as being a base for your clan, they play together, they are united and friendly with the inside ppl. Not dummy/zerk but very calculated ppl.

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Well, in general, drama topics are good for a forum healthy since it produce activity but regarding that, my intention is not to offend anyone, in fact I/we got our own defects as well.


What's about in this topic?

I want you guys to talk about other nationalities defects or qualities regarding their way to play this game. Most of us got almost the same character as our countrymen.

Please give argue your post, no matter if is game related or real life, otherwise I find myself obliged to report you for being a flamer.


Why is this useful?

some of you play as clan leaders, or just solo, but is very important to understand the person next to you. much better if you can anticipate his next move.



I find polish ppl as being a base for your clan, they play together, they are united and friendly with the inside ppl. Not dummy/zerk but very calculated ppl.


kick in the nuts.

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Well, in general, drama topics are good for a forum healthy since it produce activity but regarding that, my intention is not to offend anyone, in fact I/we got our own defects as well.


What's about in this topic?

I want you guys to talk about other nationalities defects or qualities regarding their way to play this game. Most of us got almost the same character as our countrymen.

Please give argue your post, no matter if is game related or real life, otherwise I find myself obliged to report you for being a flamer.


Why is this useful?

some of you play as clan leaders, or just solo, but is very important to understand the person next to you. much better if you can anticipate his next move.



I find polish ppl as being a base for your clan, they play together, they are united and friendly with the inside ppl. Not dummy/zerk but very calculated ppl.


i hate BR and spanish players. 80% of them are retarded, and they just can say "ajajajajajjajajajajaja", for the rest i say sorry, and they could feel my respect.

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So, we are talking about nationalities?

Greece its the best for me not because I'm greek just because I have seen nice greeks with working mind and not with gear.

Anyway, I agree in your point " Watch who is next to you ".

Those behaviours (Mostly bad behaviours) its not from game but from family in general from general facts of life.

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BR's some of them can play together, even thought they're not known for being good players they always try their best, the community itself is known for not playing that good and QQing a lot.

Latinos, I think they might be the worst, they play by themselves most of the time and flame you either you kill them or get killed by them.

Greeks & Russians, not much to say about them, they always invade all the servers and try to zerg everything, team play? Well... Not much that I've seen until now, at least in official.

Polish, they're really concentrated in the game and know a lot of stuff about it, I've meet some funny polish people in my time.

We, Portuguese people, I've been in portuguese guilds since I can remember and we would always have organized CP's. We aren't the kind of people that QQ because we can accept our weaknesses and improvise later on.

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Not all Greek clans are able to communicate and "rule" a server. Well, indeed, they are many but most of them are retarded kids or teens or even adults and I've met many of them already. There are some nice people out there, but I'd say that Spanish people knows how to play this game, there's organization and much more. But to be honest, if you look for something united & organized then you should search for low/mid rate servers and not PvPs cause in PvP servers you can solo almost every thing as it comes to gear and boom you are ready. Grab a friend who can play as Cardinal and you are immortal.

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it's only me or most of you agree that Greek ppl act like kids and BR QQ a lot?


another friendly ppl I can say that Argentinean are. they might not be the best warriors around nor english speakers but they are loyal and team working. I guess because they don't care that much about the game.


the Italians I met back in C4 were true warriors, solo mostly, but they knew how to honor a fight. big respect, and I don't like Italy in general.

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From my online experience untill now, firstly Poland's online gaming community is sadly represented mostly by really young people, kids who don't think what's going on around them, that have really hurt the reputation and the intelligence levels of that country. Of course there are always exceptions.


Greece, is mostly separated in to groups. The arrogant children, zero intelligence and zero sence of teamplay/co-operation, and the other half which contains really skilled, intelligent people with great sence of partnership. In a few words we are at the top or at the bottom. There is no mid state.


Lastly, Romanian people are really great people. I am friend with many romanian people with friendships which lasted more than 1 week. Of course, there are some exceptions, as I have met arrogant romanian people or even not trustworthy ones.

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Brazilians are the type of guys "pls adena man pls,obrigado" ,completely unskilled and 90% kids.

Polish guys can really organize up as a team and with right people around them,they can conquer the server.

Greeks,there us a big majority playing lineage so it's logical to have many greek kids.Though when it comes on the real challenge,you surely can find a greek skilled guy upon all.

Romanians ready to team up with any willinfull guy and have some fun.Though i didn't meet a lot of romanians so far.

Russians, the zerg guys where they don't really willing to play with norussian guys,so i dont care about'em.  :gtfo:


Other nationalities are buried and lost under our shadows  >:D

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Greeks : Had a aliance with a greek clan and everything went really good.

Polish : Same as with greeks.

Hungarians: Same thing


I don;t like latinos (No hablas inglesh)  ;D

And yea russians are ukranians are not willing to work out with others so i don't know that much about them.

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