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This is how skin should be looking... Write your opinion about it... I think its awesome  ^-^

aldo its not 100% sure... so don't blame me if it wont be like this..




Can nixa or Matthew confirm their claims somehow?


One says it's official, one says that it's a custom skin.

Thats a costun skin ppl post it on reddit as a victorious skin to promote it.

Thats a costun skin ppl post it on reddit as a victorious skin to promote it.


Y he could be right, i cant say for sure that its Victorious skin... But if u look closer on teammates you can see that Garen has new Icon, which is not on our servers so it is possible to be a leak from riot, and to show Victorious elise :)


Y he could be right, i cant say for sure that its Victorious skin... But if u look closer on teammates you can see that Garen has new Icon, which is not on our servers so it is possible to be a leak from riot, and to show Victorious elise :)



garen's icon:





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