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[L2J-Basics] Software Install And System Variable Setup

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This guide will guide you through on what software you need for editing l2j and how to setup your system for it.


Necessary softwares to install:

Eclipse IDE for JAVA Developers: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

JAVA SE JDK: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

CollabNET: http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion (requires registration)

Maven 3.1.0: http://maven.apache.org/download.cgi (required for l2jfree)


Every software install is just like with any other software except with eclipse and maven those are just extractables that you need to extract to a folder wherever you want them.


System variables to set:

If your using l2j:

Add new variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the jdk root directory.

Edit the path variable, add there %JAVA_HOME%\bin.


If your using l2jfree you need to also:

Add new variable M2_HOME pointing to your maven root directory.

Add new variable M2 pointing to %M2_HOME%\bin.

Add new variable MAVEN_OPTS with the value -Xmn128m -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Dmaven.test.skip=true.

Edit the path variable, add there %M2%.


After that restart your pc and your ready to go.



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What would have great value for the community, at least for those that actually wanna stay in touch with 2013 and not stick with technologies of the past, is a Maven guide. Specifically:


Migrating an L2J Project from Ant to Maven

Handling libs and project dependencies

Handling assembly and deployment.


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What would have great value for the community, at least for those that actually wanna stay in touch with 2013 and not stick with technologies of the past, is a Maven guide. Specifically:


Migrating an L2J Project from Ant to Maven

Handling libs and project dependencies

Handling assembly and deployment.



Its nothing extremly hard i'll do that when i have time.

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