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[HELP] a little problem

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well i folow the guide of how to customize evrything and it work 100%


but my problem happend after ..


when i use my modificated weapon this happend :



i have black strokes an lines surrounding the arcana and i would like to know what can i do about it

ty =)



(for the guide)


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no it still whit the same strokes even if i save it whit out alpha


i think i could fix it but i still have 1 problem


When i am in photoshop editing the arcana the back part is black , after i modify the arcana the back part is black 2 how could i do to paint it if is alredy black  ??? [when i say paint it in black i mind to paint it to get ride of the strokes]


LoL can some one help me? do i need to use a spesifical photoshop edition?  =(

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