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Excuse me if BUT!


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He got karma cause he re-share his npc.

The previous topic had the option "You have to reply to see the topic" and he re-create it and FighterBoss gave him karma for his share.

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Lekino (0) iParker (1) + very nc job.Clean and Helpfull. In topic May 18, 2013, 02:36:29 PM


But Guide is.


Also he wsn't rewarded bcuz of share but decouse of willing to help community.


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iParker (1) ICEwανe¹ (3) + very nc outcomes.helping a lot of guyz with sigs etc


We are talking here about self request help.

That what i did, i helped community... you helped that guy.

You need all the guys i help to give me karma?



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Also he wsn't rewarded bcuz of share but decouse of willing to help community.



NeverMore™ (0) Universe (1) + Helping gfx section ... Keep going dude .. Great job In topic April 16, 2013, 07:44:52 PM

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NeverMore™ (0) Universe (1) + Helping gfx section ... Keep going dude .. Great job In topic April 16, 2013, 07:44:52 PM

Nikoloudos7 (0) Fortuna (1) + Really helpful guide +1 In topic April 09, 2013, 05:41:26 PM

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