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There was topic about that but due to reason below

  • noone is talking about solution of problem

i don't wanna post there again.



All the bots are technically guest. Meaning, if you disable for guests, you disable for bots as well.

Thats why forum population may deacrease by the time, and yes there are few solutions created for SMF.


1. Remove guest restrictions.

Well its pretty useless this restriction due to this:

  • There are hidden notes posts option.



2. Allow bots to view but guests no.

But google can remove your site from their index entirely!


	$modSettings['limited_views'] = empty($modSettings['limited_views']) ? 0 : (int)$modSettings['limited_views'];

//  Allow spiders/bots to view.
$interestingCrawlers = array(
	'Ask Jeeves',
$pattern = '/(' . implode('|', $interestingCrawlers) .')/';
$matches = array();
$numMatches = preg_match($pattern, strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), $matches, 'i');
if($numMatches > 0) // Found a match


3. Limit all guests daily page views max eg.10 per day.

(This will effect bots aswell [they must have the exact same limit]. But at least search engines can index some pages)

This mod download

Limit a guests daily pageviews mod. Once they reach the limit they are invited to register or login.




So my advice is to use 3. becouse its best option in the case.

But with smart limit.


Why is so important?

Well personaly i didnt saw Maxcheaters existence from google but most of users does.

I found Maxcheaters from a friend who found it in google, using it mostly to find private servers in, but with time and to learn developement of same.

So google is main source of new users. Most of users are searching for buffers, etc... via google and yeah now Maxcheaters is not displaying due to reasons above.



I hope you understand. Cya!



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