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interlude [L2J]L2Silent Feeters (SF)


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Hello lil barbies,

it's been awhile since most of you saw me around here, but things changes, and now I am back into the Lineage 2 scene to present you - Silent Feets, the brand new Interlude server. The server is currently not-popular, because it just opened, but you can expect a lot more in the future, we're about to bring you some nice and unique experience, something new and fresh on the set. Prepare yourselves, get ready to crack some skulls and enjoy the ol' fun Lineage 2 Interlude as you've never expected before.



The server website is currently: http://l2sf.eu/ (The design currently is not what it's going to be in the future, just be patient, we'll get all going on)


Enchanting system:

Enchanting system updated to a different one, that hasn't been used in a lot of servers. If you fail to enchant the item it will lose 2 enchants, instead of failing and crystallizing.

For example if you burn item at 16 it stays at 14.

Safe: +4

Max Weapon Simple/Blessed: 16

Max Armor,Jewel Simple/Blessed: 20

Max With Crystal: 16

Weapon Rates: +5,+6,+7-95%, +8,+9-90%, +10-85%, +11-80%, +12-75%, +13-70%, +14-60%, +15-50%, +16-33%

Armor,Jewel +5,+6,+7-95%, +8,+9-90%, +10,+11,+12-85%, +13-80%, +14-75%, +15-70%, +16-65%, +17-65%, +18-60%, +19-50%, +20-33%

Crystal Scrolls Rate: 100%


Ways to get weapon enchanted:

1. You Can Enchant Your Items By Pvp'ing, 25 Pvp = Auto Enchant +1 to your choisen Equipment part, using command .enchant

2. Special Mobs Enchanting System!


Our server rates are as following:


Xp,Sp,Drop,Spoil - Instant 80 Level, we don't tend to lose your time on leveling, if you wanna grind, well this is not the server for you, go on a low rate. ;)



Karma is currently on the following stats:


Karma Drop Limit - x10

Karma Drop Rate - 40% chance.

Karma Drop Equiment - 30% chance.

Karma Drop Weapon - 10% chance.



Augmentation system and rates:


Mid Grade LS - 3%

High Grade LS - 5%

Top Grade LS - 7%

Any Augment Increase 10% Stats (For Example, Might - Increases 10% of P.Atk.)

Active Nuke Augment Skills Re Use - 2,2 sec. limited in order to prevent the old OP Bishops with tons of nukes.

You have 2 ways to get Life Stones, and they are as following.

1. Special LS zone, that drops them.

2. You Can Buy For Champion-Mobs Items or Bang Points (Not cheap way, but still an option).





Siege systems.


Initialized ONLY One castle: Oren Castle Siege

Siege Duration: 2Hour

Siege Time: Every Friday 20:00 GMT +02:00

Minimum Clan Level To Reg - 5 Level

Retail Guards x2




Fully Retail Olympiad Working 99%

Heroes Every Sunday At 00:00 Hour

Heroes Weapon Enchantable

Valor Duration 2 Minutes

Hero Flood Protection 15 seconds

Special Items For Nobless Gate Pass (Buyable not only for Heroes)


NPC's that we currently posses.


Gm Shop

Custom Shop

Npc Buffer (No Resist)

Dyes Maker

Augment Manager

Olympiad Manager

Boss Manager

Clan Manager

AIO Sub Manager

Class Master


All of those NPCs are edited and were created for our servers, and pretty much feel unique. (I had the need to say that! :D)




Anti-Enchanting System

Anti-Bot(Tower,Net,Walker,etc..) System

Anti-Doss(Fully, for packets,ip,host..) System



.enchant - To choose which part you want to enchant after x times of pvp.

.repair - You can repair your other character from same acc

.race - You can fight against your race mobs (with skills)!

.quiz (answer) - useful for quiz event


More Information about the server.


Chronicle Interlude (c6)

Little custom items (Apella, Oath, Silent Cloak) (More information will be available on our website and ingame.)

Starting Level: 80

Quiz Event

Casino Event

All Items Are S-Grade (Need only bews/beas)

A Grade For Free, S Grade Farmable

Stackable Scrolls

Rb Jewel Gaining For Pc Bang or Special Items

Shift + Click Function (To See Monsters Drop And Drop Rates)

Announcments Of Raidboss Killing And Spawning

Mana,Hp Potions, Shots, Arrow are infinite

Special mana potion (works like hp)

PvP/Pk coloring system

Anti-Pole(Massing) Mobs

Fully Control Of ALL Class Balance (Unique, We can fix balance much more easier)

Anti - Heavy System

4 Special Feeters Raidbosses

Beauty system messages

Stable Server Platform

Stable Server Host

And Much More..


P.S Server isn't created for donations. We sell only farmable things. No Over-enchanting, no augments, no Olympic points and etc., stuffs that you posses - anyone can do aswell. We rely on donations to keep the server alive, about Donations you can talk with our team and/or ask at forums. We'll have more information soon on our updated website.



All your suggestions acceptable via skype: Lowevaldas

Petitions are there to accept suggestions aswell.


Website address: http://l2sf.eu/


We just went LIVE, so don't hesitate to try us online! Have a good day, and good luck gaming online! <3

Peace and love.


Goddess and SF Team.

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Someone's probably messing with the server right now. Most likely to be someone who's trying some exploits, or either someone that doesn't want the server to be online.

/Fast server restart.

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It's been like only a few minutes since the server went online, you know that there are changes that can be made, but all those are your opinions. We were just working on a mana change according to OL's requests.

Keep your patience.

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5 online!



thats happends when u mess with the enchant system :DD:D

you are beyond retarded hater, you do the same shit in every topic

fail server to much farm boring

go play on 30 min farm and afk in town for vote coins shit servers than idiot

lag + no mana pots = ol dead class , mage for few mobs then no mana 2 + sick noob glows , too much of farm one word = boring.

this server is not for noobs so gtfo


The server is great the way it is.

I hope you fix the problem with the ddos asap.

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Thanks, I am currently not a part of the staff, but I've volunteered on helping the owner, will do as much as possible. <3 Thanks for the support, let's hope the attack will pass soon and we can go and get the server working and playable. Have faith guys!

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It's back online right now, still trying to stabilize it, gonna take some work i guess, so let's get it done.


P.S.: If you have suggestions on changes that have to be made, send them on me as private message, i'll look at every single one, please I'll reply only to those that i think are reasonable, not some crying PMs toward me.

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you are beyond retarded hater, you do the same shit in every topic go play on 30 min farm and afk in town for vote coins shit servers than idiotthis server is not for noobs so gtfo


The server is great the way it is.

I hope you fix the problem with the ddos asap.


so its not for you noob

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