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Change Your Smart Pings Text And Surrender Text!


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As tittle says i'll show you a guide to change text of smart pings and surrender panel!


Let's start!


1st Locate the fontconfig_en_US.txt file in your game directory. A computer search usually finds this, but the pathway is wherever your League of Legends folder is, then RADS/Projects/lol_game_client_en_us/managedfiles/!

2nd Find the following section in the text document (ctrl_f and search for radial for quick find)

tr "flash_radial_menu_Cancel" = "nvm"

tr "flash_radial_menu_ComeHere" = "HALP"

tr "flash_radial_menu_Danger" = "OH SHIT"

tr "flash_radial_menu_MIA" = "MIA MIA MIA"

tr "flash_radial_menu_OMW" = "OMW Bitches"

3rd Change the text as you wish! You can edit many in game things. My entire shop/items, announcer lines, chat lines, scoreboard etc. are all custom junk that usually make me laugh when I see it. Helps me not take the game too seriously when things go awry/ahri.



IMPORTANT: Backup the original text file somewhere just in case. Plus, you have to do this every single time they patch as it replaces your edited file. But if you're only editing the radial, it's very simple!

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