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Antharas-Valakas-Lindvior Weapons [Freya_God]

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glow effect can get lineage2effect.u from linvior client but don't work for hi5 client

LineageEffect.u file is a script file, if there is no corresponding mesh, how will produce the effect you want, it is impossible.

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In What client u add it cause in H5 cant add it i try with 3 different File Editors and i cant save the file weapongroup.dat and when i add only the itemname.dat i get error when i try to run the client


======== Open & Decode {20/7/2013 - 3:38:09 μμ} ======== -

| Copying file: C: \ Users \ Dante \ Desktop \ missing sql \ weapongrp.dat

| Copying file: C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ data \ l2asm-disasm \ DAT_defs \ ct2_5 \ weapongrp.ddf

| Decode file: weapongrp.dat


| -> L2encdec.exe

| |

| | C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ temp> "c: \ users \ dante \ downloads \ file edit ct2.6 by vector \ file edit ct2 .6 by sovan \ data \ l2encdec \ l2encdec.exe "-s weapongrp.dat dec-weapongrp.dat

| |

| |

| | Input file: "weapongrp.dat"

| | Output file (given or generated): "dec-weapongrp.dat"

| |

| | Header: "Lineage2Ver413"

| | Action chosen: decode

| | Outer stream size: 248960

| | RSA pair # 0 chosen (meaningful for 41x only).

| |

| | RSA dec call.

| | Packs: 1945

| | At 0/1945 ....

| | At 256/1945 ....

| | At 512/1945 ....

| | At 768/1945 ....

| | At 1024/1945 ....

| | At 1280/1945 ....

| | At 1536/1945 ....

| | At 1792/1945 ....

| | RSA dec call completed.

| |

| -> --------------------

| Create File: weapongrp.txt


| -> L2disasm.exe

| |

| | C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ temp> "c: \ users \ dante \ downloads \ file edit ct2.6 by vector \ file edit ct2 .6 by sovan \ data \ l2asm-disasm \ l2disasm.exe "-d weapongrp.ddf-e weapongrp-new.ddf dec-weapongrp.dat weapongrp.txt

| |

| | L2 disasm 1.4.0 by M.Soltys (aka DStuff).

| |

| | Record reg soft: 4

| | Record M / T [123] soft: 0/0

| | Record MAT [2] soft: 0

| | Record ASCF len: 0

| | Record UNI len: 63

| |

| | Textconv summary:

| |

| | UNK convs. (Legacy only): 0

| | UNI convs. (Legacy only): 0

| | NONR convs. 0

| |

| -> --------------------

| Open a file: weapongrp.txt


| - ======= Save & Encode {20/7/2013 - 3:38:31 μμ} ======= -

| Save File: weapongrp.txt

| Create File: decweapongrp.dat

| - Could not create file: dec-weapongrp.dat


If can not create file ,because
weapongrp file format is not correct, each weapons are worse  two data,Endian several data errors.     -1 -1 -1 -1 Changed-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1     
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I produced a weapon dat file, you can try.



Working Like A Charm...I got Problem cause i make edits with microsoft excel...Fuck Micrososft :P

Edited by Dante44
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