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What are you ?!?!


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Pick the month you were born in


1 - I ate

2 - I needed

3 - I ran naked with

4 - I shot

5 - I cuddled with

6 - I smoked with

7 - I banged

8 - I ran shirtless with

9 - I stabbed

10 - I kiilled

11 - I slept with

12-I killed


Pick the day (number) you were born on


01 - the trojan man

02 - a dog

03 - a jew

04 - a toothbrush

05 - Paris Hilton

06 - a homo

07 - Barny the dinosaur

08 - a prostitute

09 - a pornstar

10 - a bag of weed

11 - the kool-aid-man

12 - Santa Claus

13 - a condom

14 - a whorè

15 - an orange

16 - a stripper

17 - a bisexual

18 - a horse

19 - my boyfriend

20 - a crackhead

21 - a homeless guy

22 - my lover

23 - my crush

24 - a easter egg

25 - a jar of honey

26 - a hottie

27 - a bowl of cereal

28 - a french fry

29 - your dealer

30 - a glass of milk

31 - Your grandma


Pick the color of shirt you are wearing


White - Because thats how i roll

Black - because im sexy as hell

Pink - Because the lil people told me to

Red - because I have AMAZING boobs

Blue - because I'm a pimp and your jealous

Polka Dots - because I hate my life

Purple - because I'm gày

Gray - because I love marijuana

Other - because I have double D's

Green - because I'm good in bed

Orange - because I smoke crack

Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose

Brown - because i had to

Shirtless - because I've got abs



PS: I ran naked with a dog because I'm good in bed ^_^

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xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa K4rMaArr0ws , i played this game when i was 7 years old in my school ahahhahaha , but anyway i will play it again w/e


I needed Paris Hilton because i am sexy as  hell

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xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa K4rMaArr0ws , i played this game when i was 7 years old in my school ahahhahaha , but anyway i will play it again w/e


You are funny or what ?!

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I slept with my girlfriend (well yeah it is boyfriend in the list but sorry im not a gay)  because I love marijuana



i love gray but i love green too so there is another option and it is


I slept with my girlfriend because im good in bed.

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I smoked with a toothbrush because i have AMAZING boobs



?-->I killed an easter egg because I'm a pimp and your jealous<--?

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