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[move]Good Morning![/move]


This is the time for Interlude Chronicle. We want present You us project L2NAME.




Grand Opening: 07.07.2013 20:30 GMT+1 (HAMBURG)





You can say that it will be next EPIC FAIL server,

but we know what we do! Us heart is with L2 (C3,C4,C5,INT).


All people in project with permissions:


Project Owner, [Owner]NgS - All permissions

Developer, Server Administrator, [DeV]Scajtec - Full Server Access + Logs Online (Update every 30 min)

Developer, Server Administrator, [DeV]Natshu  - Full Server Access + Logs Online (Update every 30 min)

GameMaster, [GM]Eryt - Only Game Information Tasks + Logs Online (Update every 30 min)


And Here Best regards to:

xXxMahoutxXx, Emillie, raZ0rPazoR, Panchito, IIIJoseIII, KuKuKu, WhatTheFak,


for help us with finding bugs, problems, errores, and the best ideas for server


They will get EXP/XP/DROP/SPOIL +30% at first 3 Hours.














Donation will be up 2 weeks after Grand Opening

We don´t offer enchanted weapons, armors, etc...

Only stuff like 3rd Class Change Quest, Nobless Status(Without Olympiad Access) etc...

Money from donations will be spend to buy a rewards for players who participate in Grand Events.



Unique Futures



SpyMode - SHIFT+CLICK ON ITEMS/PLAYERS/MONSTERS shows them statistics (P. Atak, M. Atak, Drop etc...)

VoteSystem- NPC in ADEN (Main Town) which will giv you +25% EXP/SP/DROP/SPOIL rate for 2h when you vote for Us.

EnchantManager - Each 100 PvP points You can enchant your skill up to +10 (Subclass not included)





Clan War Event


* Only Clan Leaders are owned to register Clans in Event (every 48h) max clans : 5

* Friendly Fire: ON

* Event Time: 25 min

* Round Time:  5 min 

2 Players from each Clan obtain random skill (Greater Battle Heal for Mage Class and Frenzy for Fighter Class)

when Event is in progress. (Clan Leader not incluided)

Clan Leader recive skill Recall Group (resue Time 5min Functions: Recall, HP/CP/MP Full, 15s




Reward: 1 Full A Grade Set , 200mln, 1 S Grade Weapon (Without SA)






* Phoenix Knight, Hell knight, Eva's Templar, Sword Muse, Shilien Templar, Spectral Dancer (every sunday) This Class are allowed to participate in ClassCombatEvent


* Event Time 12min.

* Round Time: 2min

* Players: 4


1st room - Level Easy max time: 1 min

2nd room - Level Easy max time: 1 min

3rd room - Level Normal max time: 1 min

4th room - Level Hard max time: 2 min

5th room - Level Hard max time: 2 min

6th room - Level MASTER max time : 5 min


On each room CP/HP/MP 100%

You need to finish all rooms and get your reward, but it can be hard to survive :)



Reward: 2x S-grade ring +6 for all participantes.







Experience: 25x


Skill Points: 25x


Adena Drop: 35x


Item Drop: 20x


Safe Enchant : +4


Weapon Max Enchant : 12


Armor Max Enchant : 12


Jewels Max Enchant : 14


Perchant Weapon : 66,66%


Perchant Armor : 66,66%


Perchnat Jewels : 66,66%

Blessed Scrolls: 88,88%







WEBSITE: Under construction. Sorry for problem but we have some script errors on  website and we get some problems. Just Stay Tuned.


Here you can use TEMPORARY website:





Lineage II Interlude Client Torrent Download:






Patch L2Name: Link should be with Grand Opening and on the website.














Feel free to comment project.











We was talking about your opinions and we decide to :


1. EXP Rate: x45

2. Adena Rate: x20

3. Drop Rate: x20

3. Spoil Rate: x25

4. Party rate 2x



Clan Event stay as is now.


ClassCobmatEvent changes:

Only Characters with 3rd Class and Nobless Status are able to participe in Event.


Event will be in each SUNDAY at 20:00 GMT+1




1st place: 4EventCoins

2nd place:3 EventCoins

3rd place: 2 EventCoin

4th place: 1 Top-Grade Lifestone lvl 76


*Event Coin - You can change them in Aden in your EventManager.



Beta was tested 3 weeks ago in private group.



More unique futures:


Castle Sieges:

* All participantes have bosted HP/CP/MP stats by 15% when Siege is in progress. Works only in   

  Siege zone.

* Added 8% more NPC GUARDS in castles

  -position: agrressive

  -stats +8%

* Only Aden and Giran Castles




* 1 Custom Raid Boss is spawned in Custom zone

* 6 - 9 party members are allowed to join event

* Max players: Non Limit

* After your all party members die you can come back to village and try your tactic again (Teleport Event Protection : 2 min)

* In full S- Grade +6 equipment you can kill this Raid Boss in about 15min, (class balanced)

* Event 3 times in a week.

* Min lvl: 78



For all party members who did the bigest damage 1 Event Coin, 1 Top - Grade Lifestone lvl 76, 50kk



You can check full informations about Events in your EventInfoManager which is located in Aden.



What about to increase the exp-rate to x80-x100 since it seems to be a pvp project with this kind of enchant-rate, also your pve system is terrible bad, Actually you gonna destroy the economy of the server if you keep it up.





Fixed :

• NPC Buffer

• few NPC's actions

• mob respawn problem

• "incorrect target" at mages attack during pvp


Website changes :

• Added protections for registration (at web)



New geodata files for all locations


Added spawn protection

• duration: 20 seconds


Anti Advertisement system

• SHOUT type chat - min 40 lvl

• TRADE type chat - min 40 lvl




We think that time between events will be 2 weeks. L2Off Files from L2Gold full moderated by my Team. Thanks for response. We know that at start can be no more than 200+ at know becouse we start advertisment to late, but we had some problems. Now when almost everythink is ok we can start. and server will grow up. (meyby exp rate will be incrase to x50)


Wrong section : Grand Opening: 07.07.2013 20:30 GMT+1 (HAMBURG)



Also i cant belevie wht is l2off anyway good luck



You know difference betwenn us and other projects?


We don´t make this for money - We pay for this!

We are working together like 3 years with nother projects not commercial

No-one server had futures like us.





You know difference betwenn us and other projects?


We don´t make this for money - We pay for this!

We are working together like 3 years with nother projects not commercial

No-one server had futures like us.





I see new only 2 events that is unique feature?

anyway i dont wanna spam more here .



you open x30 server and you give free tts in events (FAIL) and regular scroll 66% and bless 80% reduce it at least regullar to 55% and bless to 65%.Lol open someone one true server!!!Make this change you and stop open fail servers.Also clan war event and here you give free items.If server is x100 you can make these events.Also EnchantManager - Each 100 PvP points You can enchant your skill up to +10 (Subclass not included)

what is this another fail.With this events you will lose many players.



I believe that don't know what mean mid rate server this events created at pvp server not at mid.So i don't believe that you don't want to open fail server.See http://l2cleaver.com/ it has 4k players for one month and after one month 1k all players boared and without events.Also http://lineage.ru/ 7k players.I don't believe that you want to have your server 100 players.So trust me and change these.Anyway good luck!!!




Note:If you make this changes i will help you to advertising(7 Popular forums)




Exp/Sp : x25

Adena : x35

Perchant Weapon : 66,66%

Perchant Armor : 66,66%

Perchnat Jewels :66,66%

Blessed Scrolls:88,88%

Mid Rate Server with PvP Enchant Rates and this is unique?

Sorry mate but this server will fail for sure!

Good luck with it..


Mid Rate Server with PvP Enchant Rates and this is unique?

Sorry mate but this server will fail for sure!

Good luck with it..

+1 file.Also and events that give s grade jewals and armor and wep.


+1 file.Also and events that give s grade jewals and armor and wep.

and server will be full of bots for this :P and i'm sure that this server will have a lot of bugs and will be unbalanced!




We was talking about your opinions and we decide to :


1. EXP Rate: x45

2. Adena Rate: x20

3. Drop Rate: x20

3. Spoil Rate: x25

4. Party rate 2x



Clan Event stay as is now.


ClassCobmatEvent changes:

Only Characters with 3rd Class and Nobless Status are able to participe in Event.


Event will be in each SUNDAY at 20:00 GMT+1




1st place: 4EventCoins

2nd place:3 EventCoins

3rd place: 2 EventCoin

4th place: 1 Top-Grade Lifestone lvl 76


*Event Coin - You can change them in Aden in your EventManager.



Beta was tested 3 weeks ago in private group.



More unique futures:


Castle Sieges:

* All participantes have bosted HP/CP/MP stats by 15% when Siege is in progress. Works only in   

  Siege zone.

* Added 8% more NPC GUARDS in castles

  -position: agrressive

  -stats +8%

* Only Aden and Giran Castles




* 1 Custom Raid Boss is spawned in Custom zone

* 6 - 9 party members are allowed to join event

* Max players: Non Limit

* After your all party members die you can come back to village and try your tactic again (Teleport Event Protection : 2 min)

* In full S- Grade +6 equipment you can kill this Raid Boss in about 15min, (class balanced)

* Event 3 times in a week.

* Min lvl: 78



For all party members who did the bigest damage 1 Event Coin, 1 Top - Grade Lifestone lvl 76, 50kk



You can check full informations about Events in your EventInfoManager which is located in Aden.

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