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Maestro - Highrate High5 PvP/Oly

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Heya guys,


I'm basicly maining 2 classes in lineage2. First class being dominator (since 3 years ago) but my all-time main has been Dwarf [Maestro to be exact]. I had to switch main bcs after interlude dwarf wasn't that strong anymore... only in oly. Now since the high5 update dwarfs are crawling back into the top! (YES!)


Some of you might think... dwarf and pvp?.. Can't blame you, but on highrates certainly its possible :p

The basic idea is using a dwarf as a mix between a tank, warlord and DD.


Dwarf in a pvp party wont always work.. but i'm playing in the same clan for 3 years, so it works for the most part :)

Before starting the guide, notice that i use dwarf as "support" class.. he isn't the best in 1v1 situations due to the lack of burst damage.


Since it's about highrate servers i'm not going to talk about leveling spots/armor on early levels etc...


What will a dwarf bring to the party?

> Stuns; Suprised ah? .. well Dwarfs have 4 skills to stun you :p and they are close to spammable.

  - skill0100_0.png Stun Attack; Basicly your main skill. You want to spam this on your target till he is stunned.

  - skill0260_0.png Hammer crush; Basicly your main skill. You want to spam this on your target till he is stunned.

  - skill0362_0.png Armor Crush: This is your strongest skill. It stuns and decreases your opponements p and mdef by a lot!

  - skill0793.png    Rush Impact: Use it to engage, or switch targets and stun em

> Cancel targets

  - skill0347_0.png Earthquake; Cancels the targets from your opponements around you. Use this when ur bp is in trouble.

> Damage

  - skill0190_0.png Fatal Strike: Deals a decent amount of damage. We'll come back later on this.

> Tankish

  - skill0211_0.png Health!: Yes, dwarfs have a lot of hp. Neither are their defences to bad.

> Buffs

  - skill0828.pngskill0830.pngskill0829.png Im going to come back on this one :)



In what parties will dwarf work?


In high5 it works with a lot actually, since most classes got rush. Basicly what you need is single target burst damage.

The moment you stun somebody, he should be dead > Nothing else.


Dwarf don't really work in heavy mage parties.. it's possible but not logical to do :p

Archer or dagger parties will be great with dwarf.

> In archer party you might not even need a bishop. Not even for yourself (will come back on this)



Items, buffs and all the other crap


So.. we're playing dwarf as tank, not a wannabe tank so we go with Vorpal Armor.


As for weapons, we'll need atleast 3.

- weapon_expowder_mace_i01.png Eversor Mace [Health] + Evilgate_Shield_i01.png

- weapon_pereztear_hammer_i00.png Contristo Hammer [Health]

- weapon_ghostcleaner_i01.png Demitelum [Health]


Raid yewels:

- accessory_necklace_of_frintessa_i00.png Necklace of Frintrezza

- accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.png Ant Queen

- accessory_ring_of_baium_i00.png Baium

- accessory_earring_of_antaras_i00.png Antharas

- accessory_earring_of_zaken_i00.png Zaken

> If there are a lot of mages on the server exchange Ant queen accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i00.png for Beleth accessary_dynasty_ring_i00.png



> Party pvp:

- Con +3 Str -3

- Con +2 Str -2

- Wit +4 Int -4


> Solo pvp/oly

- Str +4 Con -4

- Dex +4 Con -4

- Wit +4 Int -4



Depends a bit on your server, how many you can take etc. Your goal is to go full tank, also in solo pvp. Dwarf dont have huge patk but they have good defence, so for example greater shield will be more usefull on you then greater might.

You can take 1 berserker, but never ever never take 2 xD.



You got 2 options here:

- Pure tank:

> Enchanter ability - Counter Barrier

> Knight ability - Counter Defense

> Knight ability - Crit.Dmg reduction


- Wanna do some dmg myself-build

> Enchanter ability - Counter Barrier

> Knight ability - Counter Defense

> Warrior ability - Chance Haste



Now we are all gearred up and we can go to the pvp zone, Finally!


There are 2 ways to play dwarf, first being the (boring) way to play it super defensive as a tank eating damage. But the way i like to play it is aggressive as main assist for your party.

I have to admit, i switch between these 2 playstyles a lot. Even within the same pvp.


I'll first explain how defensive will work.

Basicly all you do if stay near your bishop. If he dies.. your party is fucked. You mainly use your pole to keep daggers away from him and sometimes try to stun em.

It might be usefull to your party, but it's super boring to keep playing like this :)



How to play as aggressive dwarf?

It might need a bit of thinking, but you'll get it :)

You must keep your focus on bishops, your party will be assisting you <. The moment you got your target stunned, switch to your 2H blunt and use your Fatal Strike.When the bishop tries to run away from you, just keep rushing after him, he wont escape. The moment he gets stunned he should be dead. If they have 2 bishops you'll need 2 main assists (MA) . One MA will be hitting alone on the second bishop, just to force him to heal himself, this will slow him down to cleanse the other bishop. The moment you kill the first bishop you take the target from your 2nd MA and blow the 2nd bp up.

If the bishop tries to res the other use your earthquake to interupt the cast > it wont always work, but when it works he'll be dead too :)


This is basicly how you play as dwarf, spamming ur stuns on targets. If you yourself dont have a bishop it will be a bit harder but more fun xD

Your skill skill0484.png Rush will be really important here. You can use rush on your own party members to get out of the fight. If you use this skill smart you wont ever die.. Just use it on random ppl around the pvp zone to move around in lightning speed. (can even use it on bots > usefull all those farm bots ah)

Besides that, maestro has a selfheal called Battle Cry skill1561.png. The skill will heal for 35% and has a ~2min cooldown (saying this out of my head, not sure).

When rushing onto somebody your first goal will be to "overbuff" him. It may be really lame.. but it will increase your damage, and decrease theirs :) [This is why we got +4wit]. Most highrates got the dwarf buffs on the npc buffer, so you just overbuff it with another. For example you buff Case harden on bishop (Decreases their pdef by 5%!). If you cast embroider on a tank he will lose the +10% pdef from case harden. Same for using the weapon buffs, just give them another buff then the weapon or armor they use.



When you are bored in the pvp zone, and your clan doesnt have a party.. just go annoy other parties :)

You rush into them, stun their bps and rush out. Their DD's will come after you but can't catch you anyway xD. If they use hold or manage to stun you, mind to use Parry stance skill0339_0.png and Rispote stance skill0340_0.png. You can also use them while rushing away, it will slow you down but doesnt effect the range/speed of your rush skill.





This is where luck comes in. Dwarf (should.. its l2j mostly xD) haves one of the best stun rates in lineage, also one of the best resists against stun > Use this.



Make sure you summon your Golem skill0025_0.png outside oly, buff him with Armor golem skill0824.png and Strengthen Golem skill0823.png. It wont hurt to heal him sometimes in oly with Repair Golem skill0822.png. Dont forget your Battle Cry skill1561.png and Braveheart skill0440_0.png. try using these early in the fight, they may come off reuse later during the fight. Start every fight with using Final Secret skill0917.png.


Try to let a friend check your opponement, you just need to know if its a fighter or mage.

Against a fighter take Might, Haste, Berseker, WindWalk and Guidance (against daggers/archers) or Death Whisper

Against mages don't take berserker


Match ups:


Maestro VS Archer

He will run around.. a lot.. and you'll hate him for that.. but the moment you grab him with your stun, you switch to your 2H blunt and skill him to death using Fatal Strike and try to time a Armor crush at the end. You should have enough defences and health to keep chasing him and just killing him by stunning.

You should win this match up easily.


Maestro VS Dagger

Try to get near him, the moment he tries to hide (most do it at the beginning of the match) use your pole with earthqauke to find him. Switch back to your 1h blunt+shield and try to stun him asap. Once hes stunned you switch to 2h blunt and skill him to death. Your accuracy is horrible, and his evasion is epic.. so just keep skilling xD

This match up is harder then archer, but you should win this. If he doesnt land his bluff and doesnt get to much backstabs off, you'll win for sure.


Maestro VS Mage

In high5.. almost certainly forget it. The only chance you have is a double stun! Use your 2h blunt from the beginning against mages.

Most mages will use enlightment at the start of the battle, if you don't stun him within your first 2 skills.. you're dead. Simple as that.

If you manage to stun him, just try nuking him into the ground as fast as possible.

It's a verry hard match up, certainly bcs your mdef is really low.

> might be usefull to use blessed freya neckle against dominator, bishops or EE/SE


Maestro VS Tank

You can win... but don't hope to much xD

For this to work you'll have to land a lot of stun.. on a tank. Against Shillen knight you can almost certianly forget it, once he gets SoS it's over. Maybe the easiest tank to play against are the human tanks.. but facing a good PK will ruin your day tho

It's a cruel match up for little dwarfs.. but works out from time to time


Some people of you might be wondering.. is it usefull to use Golem Armor skill0778.png in oly?

Answer is.. yes and no. You will have more damage, but you will only have 1 stun skill and another AoE skill. I mainly use this only against mages.. Stun skill lands good and the increased dmg allows me to crush them faster.



This was my Maestro guide, hope you enjoyed it and maybe we'll see some more dwarfs in pvp on highrates :)


Credits for the images: http://l2.dropspoil.com/ and http://www.lineage-realm.com/dropcalculator

Credits for the guide: Michaeltje (me)


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against dagger: stun, stun if it isn't land RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! style. btw nice guide. (: uhm and if we would go deeper in oly, there is a "trick" for buffing. for fighter classes (so it include Maestro either) i allways put focus, mshield and bbody with b-a grade weapons, by using soul bottle(no mana loss, and fast as fvck). after that bspirit, dwisper, might, concentration(if enemy has ability to ruin ur stun cast[u can check the enemy with pressin' watchin' match button at 1 sec countdown, so u don't need a friend to check. lol. : D ]) windwalk, guidance. after this follow  Michaeltje's guide.

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" post="2582844" timestamp="1371340410"]

against dagger: stun, stun if it isn't land RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! style. btw nice guide. (: uhm and if we would go deeper in oly, there is a "trick" for buffing. for fighter classes (so it include Maestro either) i allways put focus, mshield and bbody with b-a grade weapons, by using soul bottle(no mana loss, and fast as fvck). after that bspirit, dwisper, might, concentration(if enemy has ability to ruin ur stun cast[u can check the enemy with pressin' watchin' match button at 1 sec countdown, so u don't need a friend to check. lol. : D ]) windwalk, guidance. after this follow  Michaeltje's guide.


Indeed, know about the weaps but didnt mention them here (Guess everybody knows about em anyway)

Didn't know about the soul bottles tho, neither do i play oly a lot xD


About playing against daggers.. Don't run.. if you run they hit you in the back (dwarf is slower then dagger)

Just face it like a man! die like a man!

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Indeed, know about the weaps but didnt mention them here (Guess everybody knows about em anyway)

Didn't know about the soul bottles tho, neither do i play oly a lot xD


About playing against daggers.. Don't run.. if you run they hit you in the back (dwarf is slower then dagger)

Just face it like a man! die like a man!


btw with dwarf you need a huge luck to beat a good dagger. and no, never think that ppl are pro on oly, cause they aren't. : D btw i'll make a post now from oly.

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" post="2582856" timestamp="1371342146"]

btw with dwarf you need a huge luck to beat a good dagger. and no, never think that ppl are pro on oly, cause they aren't. : D btw i'll make a post now from oly.


I play private l2j servers... I'm certain there arn't pro players :p and certainly no daggers...


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Nice guide overall.

Dwarfies op!


" post="2582856" timestamp="1371342146"]

btw with dwarf you need a huge luck to beat a good dagger. and no, never think that ppl are pro on oly, cause they aren't. : D btw i'll make a post now from oly.

Wait what? If you cant kill a dagger with dwarf,dont even brother to make one..
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Wait what? If you cant kill a dagger with dwarf,dont even brother to make one..


You'll win prob. against 90% of the daggers

mainly TH is a pain since he can stop ur skills (stuns)


Against others.. you wont have any probs at all

Certainly against dumb elfs who try to heal (= 100% stun for you, since u can cast atleast 3-5skills during their cast time)

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Loads of logical remarks


Fairly concise.


But why go with Con dyes in Party and STR/dex in solo? In Parties you have healers, and you are the last target to get attacked. So HP is less useful than having more skill crit chance (armor crush crits+fatalstrike is heavy damage) and some attack speed and speed (despite 2 rushes, l2j has weird path finding and there can be lag when recovering from animations).

In solo PvP on the other hand, you want to survive longer...

Nevertheless I always go +str on any character that has skills that can crit.

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Loads of logical remarks


Fairly concise.


But why go with Con dyes in Party and STR/dex in solo? In Parties you have healers, and you are the last target to get attacked. So HP is less useful than having more skill crit chance (armor crush crits+fatalstrike is heavy damage) and some attack speed and speed (despite 2 rushes, l2j has weird path finding and there can be lag when recovering from animations).

In solo PvP on the other hand, you want to survive longer...

Nevertheless I always go +str on any character that has skills that can crit.


Maybe you could change the dyes in pt from +5con to +4con +4dex

Simply bcs... Str isn't a huge factor for dwarfs.. it increases ur dmg a bit, but if u want to play dd u don't pick dwarf :)

Dex is usefull tho.. can live with that



Don't really know how to say it about the full con :p

I actually always played on full con, except for oly. I've played against a lot of archer parties, so the stun resist from +con is nice xD

I guess you just have to adapt a bit to your server :)

If the +con can save a few stuns on you, take it.. if there are no stunners, go for dex/str :)

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