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[HELPFUL] IW¹ SIGNATURE REQUEST TOPIC - Need a signature? Apply here!


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Type: Signature

Size : 450x220

Theme : Games / Grand theft auto 5

Text : Grove street for life

Subtext : Gangster

Style : you do the  best job man i leave everything to you!! :)

Render: http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/grand-theft-auto-5/thumb/f/f5/Franklin_gta5.jpg/468px-Franklin_gta5.jpg


I would appreciate it!!!

Thanks...!!!!  :)

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Hello friend, really good your signatures !


Type: Signature

Size : (ex: 400x185)

Theme : Orianna (from league of legends)

Text : Riakos

Subtext :

Style : Your choice you're the maker ;)

Render: http://i.imgur.com/UDW4Bw7.png or http://i.imgur.com/q8a9tm8.png choose one and make it :)

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Type: Crest

Size : 24x12 (ally+clan crest)

Theme : Its for lineage 2 server

Text : EQ or eQ or eq

Style : A good one for l2 clan crest



[HELPFUL] IW¹ SIGNATURE REQUEST TOPIC I don't think that he says somewhere Crest Request Topic.

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Type: Signature

Size : 450x220

Theme : Other

Text : Oscilatorz

Subtext : Never Give Up.. Life Goes On..

Style : i dont know.. choose one of your own :D

Render: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/060/6/1/hot_girl___render_by_x_vinny_x-d4rf1ls.png

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Type: Signature

Size : 685x300

Theme : Killzone

Text : >Eagle_Eye<

Subtext : Hackz On The Loose

Style : Something dynamic appropriate for an fps gamer :3

Render : http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/037/b/3/helghast_kz3_render_by_whitefangxd-d38zduc.png

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Type : Signature

Size :  700x250

Theme :  Game,Lineage 2

Text :  MrPro Leader

Subtext :  SummonersOfAwe

Style :  as amazing as you can something really epic :D

Render:  My Render


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Since i saw you work and its amazing and following this rule


i'm requesting another signature


Type: Signature

Size : whatever you want

Theme : Games

Text : Gold3x

Subtext : airfield

Style : Abstract

Render:  My Render




GOld3x's request done.

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Type: Signature

Size : 450x220

Theme : Games/MaxCheaters

Text : Why So Serious

Subtext : The Jokes On You!!

Style : whatever you want pr0 :)

Render: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3244/2716334564_d276616c14_z.jpg?zz=1


Please?? :))









I hope now all will understand what exactly i request (or what's a proper render)


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Hello friend, really good your signatures !


Type: Signature

Size : (ex: 400x185)

Theme : Orianna (from league of legends)

Text : Riakos

Subtext :

Style : Your choice you're the maker ;)

Render: http://i.imgur.com/UDW4Bw7.png or http://i.imgur.com/q8a9tm8.png choose one and make it :)




R1aKoC's request done.

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Type: Crest

Size : 24x12 (ally+clan crest)

Theme : Its for lineage 2 server

Text : EQ or eQ or eq

Style : A good one for l2 clan crest


As the title of my topic says im doing only signatures.

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Type: Signature

Size : 685x300 Ive changed your size because when the size is bigged the quality of signature get lower to, and this one its enough big.

Theme : Killzone

Text : >Eagle_Eye<

Subtext : Hackz On The Loose

Style : Something dynamic appropriate for an fps gamer :3

Render : http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/037/b/3/helghast_kz3_render_by_whitefangxd-d38zduc.png Ive changed your render cause wasnt so proper one.




Eagle_Eye's request done.

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