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Dosent need support at RequestBypassToServer too?...Or the change_namecolor command is declared already for the admin commands? :)


yes u have .. i dunno how to fix that .. i am not pro .. if someone knows a better code reply :)


Import this...


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.serverpackets.UserInfo;


and use this code


           else if (command.startsWith("change_namecolor"))
            player.getAppearance().setNameColor(Integer.decode("0x"+command.substring(16, 22).trim()));



I have no idea if this works! Havent tested...Give it a try and let us know if it works!


what to say .. big thanks ! it works ! you dont need to move now .. 1rst post edited ! Big thanks .!!


youre welcome pal ^^ I see some cool real java shares from you last days...No more npcs, changed items stat and other shit...some cool shares at least ^^


the Name Color Is permanent ? or will be deleted/come back into "white" after a Player/Server Restart ?


the Name Color Is permanent ? or will be deleted/come back into "white" after a Player/Server Restart ?


Could be made permanent too but need more java knowledge and more changes. When you set the color name, it should update in the database. Add a code to reset your name color to the one in database in EnterWorld and youre done! You got permanent too xD...But as I said it needs more code and one more column in the character table in the database ^^

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