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Well i played in a sever named sunrise (Interlude)  when i join the Oly with a dagger  i used fake dead (but you must try to go outside the arena ) then fast use fake dead again  to dont  use more mana at oly but the nice think is your enemy see you dead :D you can attak him But can use /target to attack you but you will own him till he understand that :P


i have try this at 2 interlude servers




Look you use First time Fake dead your on the Ground ok :)


2. you use fake dead to stand up again right


but at oly your enemy see you dead when your standing  you can attack him but he thinks your dead so dont attack back


i used this but got banned :P


Its Not Working... * Or Im JUst Doing SOmething Wrong.. *


Anyway , Thanks For Telling Me The Bugz0r ! :)))


1 that server u play is l2off or l2j?


2 i did all the steps but whit adventurer nothing happend i fight has usuall in (L2 java) server

didnt work for me at l2 alternative ..


ok lissen cuz maybe i can tell you good cuz off my english i will make a screenshot and add it here to my tpoic maybe that will help you :)  for doing that i need time i need to make noblesses :P onther thing its l2j  pvp servers


but why at first ppls see you death, when you stand, it is see that stand).



thats teh bug when you sue fake death and then stand back up they still see you dead in oly

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