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L2J Classic - Interlude Project

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Hello people,


Here I leave you some features about the project, I hope you like.


Not based at any well known projects, Teon, aCis, Frozen, Sigmo, Etc.

Private, international Interlude project.


Forum: L2J Classic Forum


;* Protections.

.- DragonHunters Attacker, Fixed.

.- Attacker v3, Fixed.

.- L2j-Killer, Fixed.

.- Server Crasher, (All versions), Fixed.

.- Phx Protection, It has the same protections that have any l2j pack, is recommended to buy the LameGuard.

.- Phx Spam, Fixed.

.- Phx Announce, Fixed.

.- DualBox Protection, (With Config, True or False).

.- L2Walker Protection, (With Config, True or False).

.- Flood Protection, (Config).

.- Anti Bot Protection, (With Config, True or False).

.- Anti Feed Manager, (With Config, True or False).


;* Retail Features

.- Castles, 100% Working.

.- Olympiad System, 100% Working.

.- Skils, 95% Working. (We continue to work).

.- GrandBoss, (Core,Orfen,Queen Ant,Baium,Antharas,Valakas,Frintezza), Fixed. Also u can test it.

.- Argument, Working.

.- Hero Weapon, 100% Working.

.- Clan Gate, Working.

.- Trade system, Working like L2OFF. (Also u can test it).

.- Macro System, Reworked.

.- Class Master Update, They can modify via htm & config.

.- Balance Class, All classes and skills are well balanced.

.- Zone System, Reworked.

.- Community Board, Reworked, + Custom Community Like L2Sigmo.

.- Hero Message & infos, Fixed.

.- Beast Farm, 100% Working.

.- Almost all quests are working.

.- Fortress & CH Siege are working.

.- Clan Hall System, Working.

.- Siege System, Working.

.- Manor System, Working.


;* Custom Features.

.- AIO Server System, (With Config True or False).

.- Donador Server System, (With Config True or False).

.- Sleep Effect in Offline Shop.

.- Offline Shop + Configs.

.- Away Mode, (I think you know what this).

.- PcBank Points, (With Config True or False).

.- Vote Reward System, Hopzone & TopZone.

.- Champion System, (With Config True or False).

.- Events, TvT, CTF, TW, DM. Rebirth.

.- Wedding Manager.

.- PvP Custom Reward.

.- Command .Online & Player Online on enter.

.- And we will added more things soon.


;* Some quest are rewritten in java.

;* All AI are rewritten in java.

;* Hero Circlet & Hero Weapon, rewritten in java and separated.

;* Some sql are rewritten in xml.






width=611 height=768http://i.imgur.com/4T2qzOW.png[/img]

width=604 height=768http://i.imgur.com/izaXX4W.png[/img]

width=611 height=768http://i.imgur.com/Qe546lt.png[/img]

width=606 height=768http://i.imgur.com/VHhAmPC.png[/img]


Olympiad Messages:





Another link for view more things about olympiad.


Other Parts from olympiad.


Community Board Custom.









; If u are interested, Send me a PM. :troll:


wtf your pack its like mine...


Not based at any well known projects, Teon, aCis, Frozen, Sigmo, Etc.

Private, international Interlude project.


:not bad: :not bad: :not bad:

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lol so your pack is frozen without the customs?  :gtfo:



No.  Are insulting me? xD  :-beep- yeah:


Pd: Bump.


wtf your pack its like mine...


Not based at any well known projects, Teon, aCis, Frozen, Sigmo, Etc.

Private, international Interlude project.


:not bad: :not bad: :not bad:



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but you didnt answer on my questions..


My pack not is based on archid.


Pd: What questions?


its like mine no archid i have rework the files 100000000000000000 times it's can be the same


My pack not is based on archid.

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No, Are u crazy?


My pack is based on rt, Not in prim. :troll:


check mine photos on my project or videos.. and you will see





lock this topic this pack is mine he didnt answer on my questions with proofs

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check mine photos on my project or videos.. and you will see





lock this topic this pack is mine he didnt answer on my questions with proofs


- Why u say "Lock this topic"? U kidding me?

- Who are you to send to close the topic? Are you stupid?


This pack not is l2jprim.  :forever alone like a boss:


- Besides your project is private, How do you think I got the source?, As far as I have understood, you do not sell your project.


Look my forum and u will see my work.

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- Why u say "Lock this topic"? U kidding me?

- Who are you to send to close the topic? Are you stupid?


This pack not is l2jprim.  :forever alone like a boss:


- Besides your project is private, How do you think I got the source?, As far as I have understood, you do not sell your project.


Look my forum and u will see my work.

dude your pack is same with mine  its not possible..

i need proofs your pack in what is based? i need to see the source i dont give a sit for your forum your pack is 90% like mine

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