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Hello, I am playing HighFive 30x rate server with NPC buffer and so on, but I dont know what dyes, what skill enchants and so on...can anyone help me please? :-)


go to hawk eye...howver i would use on MS


str+4 con -4. about skill enchantment, there is nothing to say...MS got 3-4 skills to enchant, other are useless for me :P


If you really want to play MS you should build your party around it... ms alone is rather weak, but when combined in a good pt you can pull off some good fights.


When going ms try to get a full archer pt, which means:


- Bishop

- Dominator (Can be changed for 2nd bp... not really a fan of double bp, but fine)

- Judicator (pdef buff and crit buff + curses...)

- Tank or dreadnought! (I strongly recommend Dreadnought.. If the AeO stuns land you will have a huge advantage over the opposite team. As for tank i'd go with Shillen knight or Phoenix, basicly for the buffs :)... If you use Bp+Domi i recommand phoenix knight, since you'll get an extra cleanse on his pet)

- Moonlight sentinel (You)

- 4 Saggi/ Delf archers (Not a huge diffrence... Saggi might be better when chasing others with dash, but delf has great crt dmg... i'd just mix it up)


If there are a lot of other archer parties on the server, swap the warlord/tank for bladedancer... Dance of bladestorm will help and wont effect you since it decreases matk only



suggestions for your build:

In party:

* Elegia armor / focus bow (As for atribute, dont take Dark or Fire)

* Dyes: Str+4/con-4


            Wit+4/Int-4  (dunno if int is possible.. dont remember, just take -men then)

* Buffs: Go full damage (Berseker + dance, gmight, blabla)

> If you can take enough buffs, use acuman/dance of conc for your heal

* Skill enchants: Stun and your passives, others arn't really needed... better give your books to your healers :p they need them more


Just hit and run, stay on the back.. let your tank/warlord stay in the front to keep them all stunned/aggrod and learn to use a main assist^^ Really important for archers

If you are main assist > When u cant kill the bp swap to one of the weak DD's, if you kill him or not it doesnt matter.. their bp's attention will be changed and then u swap back to the healer, will give u a second before he sees you're hitting him again. with a few lucky crits he's dead before he can pull off a heal :)


As for solo, not much diffrence:

* Vorpal armor/focus bow  (Vorpal for more pdef, bit less patk... not a huge diffrence, but mwah)

* Dyes same

* Buffs Only drop the bersekers, if you really wanna go b!tchy take gshield

> If you can take enough buffs, use acuman/dance of conc for your heal

* skill enchant the same


To pvp... Hit and run, if needed try to pull a heal off.

If possible, avoid 1v1 pvp... just kite from the sides and pick off the kills :)



Enjoy :p


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