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[HELP] Script error



Hello guys, i get this NPC here on forum by Allen.

This is for L2jfree i guess, so i convert it to L2jFrozen

Npc appear like a giant rabbit and give the option to refresh the script, but when i do that, it give script error

on gameserver screen it load with no error

any1 can help me find where is that script error?



here is the script , already changed to L2jFrozen

i think is something about gracia to interlude, but i really dont understand

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That's the problem, on console dont show any error, it load all things right

i try to test on eclipse but i dont know how to do right, on pydev debug he give me a lot errors

i'm a beginner on java , also python =T


i will try to post the error ingame here






screen (when i click yes)



PS: When i click with a normal character, it dont show nothing, dont open screen, only with GM or admin account



script to gracia but i'm trying to use on interlude

L2jFrozen rev 986


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def getVarcharacters(st,const):


act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE charId="+str(st.getPlayer().getObjectId()))


val = "0"

if rs :



availableSkillsB+= "0_0"

xvar="AND skill_id NOT BETWEEN \"1312\" AND \"1315\" AND skill_id NOT BETWEEN \"1368\" AND \"1372\""

if st.player.isGM(): xvar+=" AND skill_id NOT BETWEEN \"7029\" AND \"7064\""

listallskill = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM character_skills WHERE charId =\""+str(st.player.getObjectId())+"\" AND class_index =\""+str(st.player.getClassIndex())+"\" "+xvar+"")


availableSkillsA = []

while (las.next()) :

try :

xskill = las.getInt("skill_id")


Go to your navicat, characters(table).sql and see the column with the ID's of characters, possible to be charid/objectid or whatever. Then find in your code and change these 2 "charId" to the column name you found on navicat. Database cant find this column

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