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Rippln in general and my personal Ripples/People results!

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What is RippLn and why is everyone promoting it like crazy?Below I posted some Info about Rippln and also some of my stats (Ripples/People collected so far)


Video URL on YT ---- > 

Rippln's Web  ---- >  http://ripplnmobile.com/

Start your own Rippln here / activate your acc  ---- >  http://www.startmyripple.com/



RippLn is a brand new free mobile phone App that is about to be launched worldwide that incorporates many things that we all use in today’s information age such as




-Social Media

And much more


Now not only does RippLn have all these elements that are all massively used on a daily basis but they pay its members for sharing it with people and will also pay commissions on all the sales made within the App. The app is free to be a part of so absolutely no risk involved.

Imagine if facebook or Google shared their revenue with its members wouldn’t it be even more popular? Probably!

Well that’s exactly what RippLn is doing through the latest trend of mobile app technology.

The core staff and creators are Microsoft and Google gurus and a well known internet entrepreneur named Russel Brunson.

RippLn has just finished the first stealth stage where people have to sign a non disclosure statement to keep the details to themselves and invite others by personal email or mobile.

Now RippLn has entered the Buzz stage where its core team of members can now openly use the videos and advertise RippLn to attract new people to become free app users.

RippLn projects that in 1 year 20 million people will have this free app, and from 24 to 30 months that number to be up to 200 million users.

Once you join RippLn for free and start to share it by inviting others you will see your ripple grow virally. Like throwing a rock in to a pond the ripples get larger as they spread from the middle and so will yours.

See my Rippln results after 2 days


Now to join the RippLn App and share it with your friends is a great and simple way to promote your business however to really get many eyes on your business you need to get traffic from the monster that is Google.

Imagine what that can do for your Rippln business or any business you are in.


So to be a part of this movement called RippLn simply email me here for an invite roman.antivvirus@gmail.com you may only email this address strictly for this purpose only.Or add me on Skype if you feel more comfortable with it Skype : romanantivvirus

Don't be a fool and stay out of this ! Acting like this would be just stupid :o :o :o :o O0 O0 O0 ::) ::) ::)

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I got plenty of invitations left,if somebody needs/want to join this project just shoot me a pm here  or add me on skype "romanantivvirus" and I ll help you get started with your own rippln

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