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Only the kids are crying on forums, lol. Serious people don't get upset because of a l2 server.

You bump a topic only to to say "I told you, I win - you suck" like a raging kid desperate for attention!

First you say you like the server...

anyway i like the serv :)i think it will have prbly 2.5k-3k online whitch is pretty good

But when you realize this server is too hard for smartass pro wannabe like yourself, you post this...

dont have even the client wtf you talking bout ? :) im not gonna waste my time playing on c5 "old

school wannabe" its old and bad chronicle  with terrible graphics

I think everybody here knows you're just a buthurt kid who has no freaking clue about low rate old chronicles!

As I said, I will quit when they close it down officially, no good Interlude servers around...

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this guy is an example. server is dead, and sux but this "oldschool guy" will stay tilll it CLOSE




what a retarded, tell me more!


its not my prob you dont ACCEPT that server is dead


MAX 1 Week


accept or die hoping

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Dradden didnt login to the forums since Friday, is idle on IRC for nearly 3 days, not on Skype since Friday and their 100x BETA was down for 12h.

Not a single announcement whatsoever. The only one from their admin team that still seems to be around is ForgottenSoldier and he is keeping quiet as well ;x.

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this guy is an example. server is dead, and sux but this "oldschool guy" will stay tilll it CLOSE




what a retarded, tell me more!


its not my prob you dont ACCEPT that server is dead


MAX 1 Week


accept or die hoping

So funny to see you trying to avoid my point...lmao! I knew from the moment I joined it wasn't going to last; I joined to have some fun

for old time's sake, and decided to stick around because I was surprised to see mature old players coming back for one last time...

You on the other hand, are just a frustrated trash server player that can't stand it when you see people get hyped over a project you

can't handle. I already proved that with my previous post! So have some dignity and accept the truth or at least don't try to avoid my

point like you don't know what I'm trying to say...piss-ant!

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oh sir, you are retarded rly,why you joined since you knew that it not gonna last more than 2weeks..


ye "good old times" there no exist, just you are brasils.. it was "good old times" cuz ppls didnt knew what is bug and what is not ..and not QQ like now..or bots that was working everywhere any bot..and none qq

offline times

its 2013 ppls are not brain damaged anymore like you


dont be mad cuz im saying the truth "old school player" (suuureee)

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Ahahahahahah, like I said, just a frustrated kid! If you don't even play l2 because servers fail, what are you doing on this forum?

The community changed but people still wanna play l2. You never played on old shcool servers judging by your ignorance,

so stop pretending you know the l2 scene kid! Stop posting shit about bugs retard, even offi had many bugs (you would know that

if you tried it) and many bots everywhere! Like i said, you're a trash server player...

why you care so much if they played on servers with buffer/gm shop

you playing low rates means you are more pro from them ?? i dont think...

Tell me more bro..

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haha, and who said im not playing l2 lol.. im started l2 from C4  you think i dont know how is this "old good"


its  just your idea "old school" player.. old chronicle sux, well mostly owners of that server failed than chronicle loled

told you why "old times" was good, just cuz none cry for bots or bugs or smthing, thats why..less drama


keep hoping for that server, but you are brasil you dont know is dead..its not before many years that all kids

and play on server with low online..high online or it gonna close..none wanna waste time on sh1ts..oh wait, you will waste time..haha


HOPE Moar kids for a dead server

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I'm sure the server you choose to play must be great, w/o bugs, w/o bots and it'll last years...

Its gotta be, because you are not a fool to waste time on lol projects, so cmon, tell us which server is it.

Like I said, just a kiddo trying to impress people with his ignorance


Still waiting to check that perfect server of yours


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I'm sure the server you choose to play must be great, w/o bugs, w/o bots and it'll last years...

Its gotta be, because you are not a fool to waste time on lol projects, so cmon, tell us which server it is.

Like I said, just a kiddo trying to impress people with his ignorance

oh boy, im not saying that im play on pro server, but atleast last chronicles dont have that old bugs loled

or free bot


look your server for now, i wanna see you in 1week on mxc  with your hopes haha :)

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Cmon mr pro, stop being a pussy and tell us on which server you're at!

Are you afraid we might find out it has lol mana pots and crazy buffers?

Just give us a name


If you need 5 fu.cking minutes to post a name, means you're trying to google one!


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Lol at people thinking that I am Insomnia or that he had involvement with Nostalgia. Insomnia was a joke all they did was use Azures files, never fixed a thing or changed anything.




I haven't updated this in awhile as we have been so busy in getting things fixed so I guess I'll do it now.


Controversy has rebuilt the projects base code and rewritten much of it to eliminate the crash issues we were having on the live server. We have had a great team of community members helping us test on our development server which has greatly sped things up. Today we plan to move the rebuilt project to the open beta server where we will test some more and fix a few known bugs before we open 7x again.


The community is still big and going strong and for good reason. we are the only C5 server out there and there are a ton of players that are willing to wait to play that chronicle again. We continue to have many new people joining us and waiting for 7x to go live again.


We will have no problem seeing well over 1k just like before we took the server down when we were seeing 1.4-1.5k We have proven that we are here for the longrun and those that want a long-term community are recognizing that.


So dead? Hell no, exactly the opposite. 

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Don't rush it, that was your mistake the 1st time you went live! Make sure server is not crashing before you launch it again! I don't mind waiting a little longer. Like you said, there's no other C5 server, so all the people interested will come back. Try to advertise in the meantime

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Don't rush it, that was your mistake the 1st time you went live! Make sure server is not crashing before you launch it again! I don't mind waiting a little longer. Like you said, there's no other C5 server, so all the people interested will come back. Try to advertise in the meantime


/agree +++++++++++

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