Clan Leader Announcement
Attention all Clan Leaders,
We are officially starting tomorrow! If you bring your clan to Expose , you will have the opportunity to compete for a cash prize (200 Euros - Aden Castle) and claim exclusive special rewards (5.000 Ethereal Tokens - Donation Reward) for your members.
This is your chance to prove your strength, dominate the battlefield, and be rewarded for your leadership.
How to participate?
Register your clan via Master Account > Clan Registration
Be ready for battle and claim your rewards
Only the strongest will rise. Get your clan ready—the war begins tomorrow with our Grand Opening!
Lineage II Expose Team
Paidia kalispera sas kai pali (3erw oti anafero polla provlimata alla mathenw opws kathe new) :P
Epidi exw kanei delete katalathos merika arxia txt apo toserver (ton arxikwn npc tou frozen k merika alla)....
Gia na mn ta poly logo tha ithela na mou pite pws tha kanw update tin idia ekdosi apla na mpoun oti lipoyn mesa...!!!
Epidi sta Gameserver.bat mou exei merika not found k tetoia an mporite na me voithisete eycxaristw ek ton proterwn!!!
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