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Some kind of Raidboss Protection help wanted

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Hi, a player uses this skill :

skill_begin skill_name = [s_chaos_3] /* [chaos-3] */ skill_id = 176 level = 3 operate_type = A2 magic_level = 55 effect = {{p_physical_attack;{sword;blunt;pole};110;per};{p _2h_sword_bonus;5;per;3;diff};{p_2h_blunt_bonus;5; per;3;diff};{p_physical_attack;{bow;dualfist;dagge r};400;per}} operate_cond = {{remain_hp_per;30}} is_magic = 0 mp_consume2 = 25 cast_range = -1 effective_range = -1 skill_hit_time = 1.5 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0.5 reuse_delay = 780 activate_rate = -1 lv_bonus_rate = 0 basic_property = none abnormal_time = 110 abnormal_lv = 3 abnormal_type = pinch attribute = attr_none effect_point = 523 target_type = self affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none debuff = 0 ride_state = {@ride_none} skill_end


How can a NPC( raidboss in my case ) cancel this skill all the time ?


I allready tried stuff like:

skill_begin skill_name = [s_cancel_pinch] /* [cancel_pinch] */ skill_id = 4618 level = 1 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 99 effect = {{i_dispel_by_slot;pinch;1}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 0 mp_consume2 = 0 cast_range = 400 effective_range = 900 skill_hit_time = 0 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0 reuse_delay = 0 attribute = attr_none effect_point = -100 target_type = enemy_only affect_scope = range affect_range = 900 affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end


and put that skill in the {[DeBuff]=@s_cancel_pinch} from the raidboss but it did not work


Any better ideas or does someone see what I do wrong ?

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Use attr_death the same way - c4 used to block i_death on Zzoldagu\Boss.


Secondly - just adding a random skill and making it disable an abnormal type of the previous skill while adding it to the raidboss AI cast list is kind of.... semi retarded.

If you don't know what the param debuff does - don't try use it as a solution.


look up the RB passive skills and how skills using lethal hits\i_death is attributed and block it that way.

(Short of it doing it by an extender of course).

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Use attr_death the same way - c4 used to block i_death on Zzoldagu\Boss.


Secondly - just adding a random skill and making it disable an abnormal type of the previous skill while adding it to the raidboss AI cast list is kind of.... semi retarded.

If you don't know what the param debuff does - don't try use it as a solution.


look up the RB passive skills and how skills using lethal hits\i_death is attributed and block it that way.

(Short of it doing it by an extender of course).


What about s_cancel_pc_target it's a debuff from a mob which works perfect, all I did is change effect = {{i_dispel_by_slot;pinch;1}}

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What about s_cancel_pc_target it's a debuff from a mob which works perfect, all I did is change effect = {{i_dispel_by_slot;pinch;1}}


I think i might have misunderstood you.


You want the PLAYER BUFF to be cancelled by an NPC (RB's in this instance) - if player casts skill and is near RB?



Then you'll need to write a routine wether by extender or AI - that checks players buffs for said skill\abnormal and casts a skill based on it.

You also need to get your brain working - because it sounds like you misunderstand what @Debuff actually does.


the pch_name you give it - means it gets casted on certain conditions defined in the AI classes.

Doesn't mean "Cast it constantly" all the time.



secondly - you can't just invent abnormal slots.

You need support for it by Extender\external code.

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