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Everything posted by Jamie2006

  1. What about s_cancel_pc_target it's a debuff from a mob which works perfect, all I did is change effect = {{i_dispel_by_slot;pinch;1}}
  2. Hi, a player uses this skill : skill_begin skill_name = [s_chaos_3] /* [chaos-3] */ skill_id = 176 level = 3 operate_type = A2 magic_level = 55 effect = {{p_physical_attack;{sword;blunt;pole};110;per};{p _2h_sword_bonus;5;per;3;diff};{p_2h_blunt_bonus;5; per;3;diff};{p_physical_attack;{bow;dualfist;dagge r};400;per}} operate_cond = {{remain_hp_per;30}} is_magic = 0 mp_consume2 = 25 cast_range = -1 effective_range = -1 skill_hit_time = 1.5 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0.5 reuse_delay = 780 activate_rate = -1 lv_bonus_rate = 0 basic_property = none abnormal_time = 110 abnormal_lv = 3 abnormal_type = pinch attribute = attr_none effect_point = 523 target_type = self affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none debuff = 0 ride_state = {@ride_none} skill_end How can a NPC( raidboss in my case ) cancel this skill all the time ? I allready tried stuff like: skill_begin skill_name = [s_cancel_pinch] /* [cancel_pinch] */ skill_id = 4618 level = 1 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 99 effect = {{i_dispel_by_slot;pinch;1}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 0 mp_consume2 = 0 cast_range = 400 effective_range = 900 skill_hit_time = 0 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0 reuse_delay = 0 attribute = attr_none effect_point = -100 target_type = enemy_only affect_scope = range affect_range = 900 affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end and put that skill in the {[DeBuff]=@s_cancel_pinch} from the raidboss but it did not work Any better ideas or does someone see what I do wrong ?
  3. Trusted , did 2 trades all did go perfect
  4. Trusted, did several now the last couple of days and all went perfect
  5. No, sorry if we misunderstood, I get salvation, its in the buffline, when I logout its not written in database, no cached errors. When I login again salvation is completely gone from the buffline and yes the effect is gone too.
  6. skill works perfect, no cached errors as far I can see and with logoff it aint written in db
  7. I checked the skill_data and this one has the same stats and althow it's A2 this one isn't saved in db either and is gone after restart skill_begin skill_name=[s_salvation] /* [salvation] */ skill_id=1410 level=1 operate_type=A2 magic_level=79 effect={{p_preserve_abnormal};{p_self_resurrection;100}} is_magic=2 mp_consume1=17 mp_consume2=70 item_consume={[einhasad_s_holy_water1];2} cast_range=400 effective_range=900 skill_hit_time=4 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=3600 activate_rate=-1 lv_bonus_rate=0 basic_property=none abnormal_time=3600 abnormal_lv=1 abnormal_type=self_resurrection attribute=attr_none effect_point=1 target_type=target affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none debuff=0 ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end active buff btw
  8. Hi, sorry I have forgotten where to do it and I allready lookup several forum but could not find an answer. I made a new skill wich I want to have saved like a normal buff in the database. Where to set that ? Gr Jamie
  9. I mean that you cant exp someone when he is 20 level lower that you. Anyway it's working the DisablePartyLevelCheck=1 part, I made a misstypo Close and thanks
  10. Thanks Manton, I put the setting in botcheck but it doesn't seem to work, does it need to be on a specific place in botcheck ? Gr Jamie
  11. Hi, does anyone remember the setting for botcheck.ini wich disables the level gap in Interlude ? Gr Jamie
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