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Client - Interlude C6.

Paid Geodata + Pathnodes.


The most important information

Instant level 80.

Gives you 80 lvl after taking subclass.

A Grade for free.

S Grade for PvP Medals.



Server currency

Vote Token - You can obtain by voting for server.

Event Token - You can obtain by participating in events.

PvP Medal - For PvP'd another player you get 1 PvP Medal.

Donation Coin - You can obtain by donating for server.


Enchant configs

Safe: +4

Max: +10

Normal/Blessed Scroll Rate: 50%

Crystal Scroll Rate: 70%

Every 50 PvP kills a random part of your armor, weapon, jewellery will be automatically enchanted +1.


Voiced commands

.pvpinfo - Show your or player PvP Status.

.menu - Personal character menu.

.getstats - Show your day stats

.online - Show online players.

.time - Show server time.

.vipinfo - Info about VIP Status.



Olympiad time left message

Whenever you log in, you get a message with the timeleft until olympaid period ends.


PvP/PK announce with locations

Messages will appear as system mesasges to cause less spam, location of the pvp is added to make pvps appear more often.


Special cancel system

To make PvP more interesting and less annoying, when players get cancelled, the buffs that have been removed will be back after 15 seconds.


Custom PvP system

This is a custom PVP System based on players PVP action daily. While killing a player, depending on his current rank, you'll get some PVP points. Ranks are rewarded with Custom Icons and Military ranks. When Killed, you have the ability to observe the Killers rank and Stats.



Legend system

Everyday @ 00:00 the player with the most PvP will become Legend.

Legend has special effect.

Legend has an announcement when login.

Legend gets rewarded for the most number of PvP killing Today. Reward: 2 Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 (For reward you need to be Online)

From every killed player, Legend has a 5% chance to get an Armour or a Weapon Box, which drops a random Weapon/Armour piece.

From every killed player, Legend has a 7% chance to get a Blessed Enchant Box, which drops a random Blessed Enchant Scroll.


Community board

There is a re-designed and fully functional Community Board (ALT + B).



Unique personal vote reward

Vote for the server to win Vote Tokens, voting is done through a vote manager NPC ingame.


Unique killing spree system

Death Message: -KILLER- gave an end to -SPREE GUY-'s killing spree of -XX- kills.


Raid boss jewelry

You can get Raid Boss Jewelry from Special Shop or from Raid Boss.

There are 2 Raid Bosses and they are in Karma Zones.

Raid Bosses respawn time is 6 hours.

Raid Bosses drop 1 random Raid Boss Jewelry and some Crystal Enchant Box.


Event engine

Automatic events every 60 minutes.

Reward for winning is 1 Event Token.


Capture Them

During this event you will have the chance to fight other players for points that can be obtainned by:

1)killing players(1 point)


2)Killing flags(10 points)

NOTE: Flags don't respawn so you better choose your targets wiselly.


Peloponnesian War

There are 2 teams. Athenians and Spartans.

Once you get with your team in an arena you will fight each other, the one that survives will fight the other race's survivor.

The representative that wins gets rewards for everybody in his team!


Protect The Leader

You will be teleported with the rest of your team in a stadium.

There a rb will be spawned next to you protect it at all costs.

In front of you is the enemy team, Kill their rb first and you win!


Treasure Chests

During this event you will have to kill treasure chests as quickly as you can only one of them is the lucky one!

Killing players is not allowed so you WILL take karma if you kill any other player!!!


Augment system

Augment chance is 20%.

Augment skills are balanced!

Max 1 passive and 1 active skill!


80 minutes bufftime (25 Buff slots)

All buffs are set to 80 minutes, every character has 25 buff slots, 1 buff slot is for Noblesse Blessing which players will get when entering in PvP Zones, Karma Zones or Events.


VIP status

From every killed player, VIP has a 70% chance to get a PvP Medal, so from killed player VIP can get 2 PvP Medals.

From every killed player, VIP has a 5% chance to get a Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76.

From every killed player, VIP has a 3% chance to get a Crystal Enchant Box, which drops a random Crystal Enchant Scroll.

VIP players have 29 buff slots, 1 buff slot is for Noblesse Blessing which VIP players will get when entering in PvP Zones, Karma Zones or Events.


Additional features

You don't get PvP points from Same IP.

Every 2 hours all online player get Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76.

Every 100 PvPs you get new name color.

Every 50 PKs you get new title color.

Player Spawn Protection - 15 sec.

Unstuck - 7 sec.

Unstuck - Teleports you to Main Town.

All characters have increased movement speed by 10.

No item consumption for arrows, soulshot, spiritshots (for pets too), mana potion, greater healing potion. From these items you need only 1!

Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles).

From every killed player, you have a 3% chance to get an Armour or a Weapon Box, which drops a random Weapon/Armour piece.

From every killed player, you have a 5% chance to get a Blessed Enchant Box, which drops a random Blessed Enchant Scroll.


No Custom Items only Tattoos!

Assassin Tattoo - Increases: P. Atk 7%, M. Atk 7%, P. Atk. Spd 5%, Casting Spd 5%. | Reduces: HP 20%.

Tank Tattoo - Increases: P. Def 5%, M. Def 5%, HP 5%, CP 5%, MP 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Atk 8%, M. Atk 8%.

Fighter Tattoo - Increases: P. Atk 5%, Crt. Rate 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Def 5%, M. Def 5%.

Mage Tattoo - Increases: M. Atk 5%, Magic Crt. Rate 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Def 5%, M. Def 5%.

Pusher Tattoo - Increases: P. Def 10%, M. Def 10%, Evasion 10, Run Speed 10%. | Reduces: P. Atk 5%, M. Atk 5%, P. Atk. Spd 5%, Casting Spd 5%, Crt. Rate 5%, Magic Crt. Rate 5%.


Refined Assassin Tattoo - Increases: P. Atk 7%, M. Atk 7%, P. Atk. Spd 5%, Casting Spd 5%. | Reduces: HP 10%.

Refined Tank Tattoo - Increases: P. Def 5%, M. Def 5%, HP 5%, CP 5%, MP 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Atk 4%, M. Atk 4%.

Refined Fighter Tattoo - Increases: P. Atk 5%, Crt. Rate 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Def 3%, M. Def 3%.

Refined Mage Tattoo - Increases: M. Atk 5%, Magic Crt. Rate 5%, Run Speed 4%. | Reduces: P. Def 3%, M. Def 3%.

Refined Pusher Tattoo - Increases: P. Def 10%, M. Def 10%, Evasion 10, Run Speed 10%. | Reduces: P. Atk 3%, M. Atk 3%, P. Atk. Spd 3%, Casting Spd 3%, Crt. Rate 3%, Magic Crt. Rate 3%.


More events will be handled by GMs and will be added to the server over time.

We hope to see you playing on our server, Don't forget to call all your friends and enemies to join aswell!

Such server doesn't come twice.


my skype is: l2revision


For pack - 50 Euro.

Pack with source, database, full patch.

For Lameguard, maked on subdomain, so you can change ip everytime you want - 120 Euro.

For Geodata from l2geo.ru for interlude l2j servers - 20 Euro.


For all (Pack/lameguard/geodata) - 160 euro.

Skype: l2revision


For pack - 50 Euro.

Pack with source, database, full patch.

For Lameguard, maked on subdomain, so you can change ip everytime you want - 120 Euro.

For Geodata from l2geo.ru for interlude l2j servers - 20 Euro.


For all (Pack/lameguard/geodata) - 160 euro.

Skype: l2revision

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