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[L2j][Interlude] Multi-Faction Engine[L2.Skilas Files] Price decreased

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I'm selling a Multi-Faction Engine what does it do ? It has all the usage from a ordinary faction engine + you can rearange the number of factions any way you like by only including a faction whith its configuration to the faction file. This alows to change from 2 to 3 factions or the other way around whith out any problems. You will never have to go and edit you pack from the Java side. Also it includes a lot of configurations This is a fully configurational faction engine whith everithing (maps,flags ant full configurations) if you need more info PM


Also it includes the Recreation book it's a "recipe creation method" you define any recipe in its config file and you can later on create it in game as you defined it (just to add ecen more fun in to the Custom mode) Photo: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2rntpar.jpg


price 35 Euros for everithing (sorce)


Contacts [here int the forum] Skype Skilas.lt (it's the name of the skype :) )

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