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North Korea declared war to South Korea... Something is coming up. Just my opinion ^^


Lets put it in other terms, instead of "WW 3?" i took the "USA-NK", and i just to hear some words across the world

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Don't post such stuff here.


Lot of immature kids.



and yeah, it could be the start of the WW 3


americans screwed it up again. They dropped some dummy bombs on a Korean island, just to provoke them.

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Don't post such stuff here.


Lot of immature kids.



and yeah, it could be the start of the WW 3


americans screwed it up again. They dropped some dummy bombs on a Korean island, just to provoke them.


I'm sure they won't come comment. Hope so... Anyways it's an off-topic and nice to have a discussion about. I want to hear the impression people have across the world, just my opinion.


Well i don't want to blame USA but they for sure USA provoke them, and everyone knows NK is not an easy-going country. I'm worried about Russia and which side they will take. They know much of what is taking place, guess we just have to wait to see which step they take... I really doubt about those missiles NK talks so much, works (NK-USA missiles sounds kind impossible for they power, but who knows...)


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It's all about NWO.


Everyone accepted NWO. Except Russia & N. Korea. Pyong Yang is living in illusions.

28yo idiot, watching cartoons and being proud of it. Thinking he's his father, almighty dictator.


I'm really sleepy, bored to type right now ;p


We'll continue the conversation when I wake up.



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