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interlude [L2j]Lineage][Ancaria Grand Opening *22/3/2013*


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I am a young interlude PvP server based on L2jAncaria project by my team.

As a young server, I' am looking for new players to support me.

I have no bugs and no lag(s). I would like to share a unique gameplay. My quality is based on my team and I would like to thank them for being so kind towards my content.

No matter if I'm a young server, my experience provides a stable gameplay and assistance towards new players.

Give me a shot, you won't regret it!

We've planned to open this young content at 22/03/2013 at 18:00 GMT+2, be there.


Server Rates :


XP: x1000

SP: x1000

Party SP: x2

Drop Items: x2

Drop Adena: x1000

Raid Boss Drop: x1


Game Info :


Auto Loot: Yes

Safe Enchant: +10

Max Enchant: +16

Normal Scroll Rate: 100% [Max +10]

Crystal Scroll Rate: 100% [+10 to +16]

Max Amount of Buffs: 30 +5 debuffs

Max Subclass: 3

Cat buffs/Seraphim buffs: 1 minute [so cat will be necessary during PvP's]

TvT/CTF Events & reward: Top-Grade Life Stone(s) with augment rate 18% [Only 1 augment Active OR Passive will be used]

Weight Limit: No

Shift + Left Click: Fixed [Your character doesn't move forward]

Anti-Heavy System: Yes [Only the classes with Heavy Armor Mastery can wear heavy sets]

About Raids & Boss Jewels : Earring of Orfen & Ring of Core in GM Shop. Check the rest here -> http://l2ancaria.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0

About Custom Tattoo:

- Lvl 1 +350 CP/HP/MP [With farm]

- Lvl 2 +700 CP/HP/MP [With farm & votes]

- Lvl 3 +1100 CP/HP/MP, +150 P.atk & M.atk [by killing the #4 Raid Boss - Cyiron] -> http://l2ancaria.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0


Custom Areas :


Main Town: Hunter's Village

Safe Farm: Gludin Village

PvP/PK Farm: Cave of Trials


Miscellaneous :


L2OFF Based Olympiad: Working

Interlude Items: Viewable & Working

Interlude Skills: Viewable & Working

Banes: Working

Castles: Working

Clan Halls: Working

Retail Quests: Working

Clan + Alliance : Working


Custom NPCs :


Global Gatekeeper

GM Shop

NPC Buffer & Scheme Buffer

Skill Enchanter

Psc Manager

Warehouse Manager

Siege Manager

Server Informer


Voice Commands :


.rewardme [Will be enabled after the grand opening]

.survey [will be enabled only whenever the admin starts it]

.ctfjoin / .ctfleave [Capture The Flag event]

.tvtjoin / .tvtleave [Team Vs Team event]

.deposit / .withdraw [bank system]

/offline_shop [Offline shop for 1 day]


Website Features :


Register Game Account / Change PWD / Recover PWD -> Not active yet

Player's Inventory -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&inventory / Player's Skill List -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&skills

RaidBoss Status -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&rb

Castle Status -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&castle

Top PvP List -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&pvp / Top PK List -> http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&pk



/** When you're logged with your account **/

*Account profile: [Change PWD, Add your signature, Info about your last time in game]


*Character details: [Title, lvl , Clan name, Class, Online time, Last login, Recs, PvP's, PK's, Noblesse, Hero]

*Char settings [Enable/Disable Char Inventory View, Enable/Disable Char Skills View, Enable/Disable Player Signature View)

*Donate [Automated Donating System via Paypal]

*Vote [Automated Voting System]

*Shop :

*Vote shop [You can buy items with vote items]

*Donate shop [You can buy items with donate coin]



Lineage][Ancaria Website

Lineage][Ancaria Community


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Main topic updated.



*Shift + left click: Fixed (your character doesn't move forward)

*Epic Raid Jewels: Check here http://l2ancaria.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0

*Lvl 3 (+1100 hp,cp,mp, +150 p.atk-m.atk) by killing the #4 Raid Boss - Cyiron http://l2ancaria.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0

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Learn more about our custom bosses by clicking here


Check our v1 Changelog by clicking here


Learn more about our Clan Promotion Event by clicking here


What about Augment + chances?  and i can't see any Unique features.btw good luck.. i hope you will get people :P

The chance to gain a passive/active skill is 18%, every life stone has the same chance.

Top life stones can be found ONLY by TvT/CTF events. The rest grades will be dropped retail like.


Note: ONLY ONE active OR passive will be used.

For example: If a weapon has active might and it flows in your buffs, if you switch weapon it will disappear.

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Check our v2 Changelog by clicking here


Checked: TvT/CTF works perfectly
Enabled: PvP/PK list http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&pvp | http://l2ancaria.com/?page=statistics&pk
Changed the PvP Farm Area: to Cave of Trials
Changed the Raid Boss & Location of: #4 Raid Boss - Cyiron to Cave of Trials
Checked for bugs & missing items: GM Shop
Official based Olympiad: The server's olympiad is the same as it is on L2 OFF, see below:

- The list of the class ranks will be updated after the period has ended
- When you're registered it counts 30 seconds and then it ports you in
- Your skills will be refreshed after every match
- Whenever you observe a match (as a guest), you can press the button "Move to Arena" and a list with all of the oly arenas will show up and you can jump to another arena.

Summoning flags during a siege: maximum 3 headquarters can be spawned



Coming soon changelog v3.

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Server seems good. Worths a try and we will try it! Also LF an exact time of the grand opening! with gmt etc...

Hello mate. You can check the grand opening in our website


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