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interlude [L2J] Gladiator 25x interlude substack Main+1 no custom no NPC bufer


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Server is now stuck sub main +1


About the stuck sub compos :

We must see the overpowered classes and make some fixes

The fixes i propose are :

Angelic icon must not stuck with frenzy or guts ( paladin destroyer is imba class with that stucks)

Tyrant should use fists in all of his skills ( so we avoid classes as archer tyrant, dagger tyrant  wich are really imba)

Light armor mastery must not stuck with another light mastery ( so we avoid classes as ol / summoners with light mastery and crazy casting speed and p def )

Same with heavy armor mastery ( classes as ol/ prophet and warcryer / prophet )

These classes are really impa on stuck sub servers so we achieve balance with that fixes


About classes boost :

We all know that some classes are really weak and ppl use them only as bots

So i propose some edits on some skills :

About tanks , paladin is great tank on interlude so we must boost other tanks :

Elf tanks : guard stance increases already p def , we will make it to increase m def 10 % also

Dark elf tanks : guard stance same 10 % m def also

Dark avenger : its the summon tank so we will give him transfer pain lvl 2 .

About supporters :

Npc buffer hasnt all skills so we need supporters but not as bots so we will boost them a bit :

Swordsinger : song of life will give 10% m atack and 10% p atack  ( self buff)

Bladedancer : song of protection will give 10% p def and 10% m def ( self buff)

Dwarves : we will leave them as they are , we need them to craft items leaving them on their basic role

Prophet : we need him for greater might greater shield and he has many buffs that are usefull on olys so for now its ok

Elven elder shilen elder : recharge mana should be used on their class also not only in others , so as ee i can recharge my self on mp



About summons: I propose to edit chant of victory of summons , it will give 2 x stats on summons but it will give less hp ( if you cant do it to give less hp i mean 4 k less , you can make it not to be stucked with bleseed the body and song of vitality )

That way summoner must learn to play his summon he will have a powerful summon but he must learn to heal it so he will keep it alive

Also tarnsfer pain will burn double mp than normal

Aboy ol/ summoner compos soul guard will burn also double mp



Spoil area : it will be an area that will have some mobs that will drop from spoil many mats

Also in spoil area will be one raid boss taht will drop all recipes :) reaspawn one day


Hair accesories : they will give 10% hp , p aatck , m atack and 5 % casting speed atack speed p def and m def

Hair accesories = 3 warsmiths holder, 300 Mithril Alloy , 300 Synthetic Cokes , 700 durable metal blade )



7 signs : Its ok s , well you can edit curses that oaracles give ( something like 3 % more p def m def atack speed casting ) on the wining side


Vote area : Pagan temple will be an area that will open for 24 hours every 100 votes or 50 votes

It will contain many mob  and raids that will drop ls,ancient adena  , custom weapons on 20 % chance (  only for raids ) , Gm should make a gate keeper that will be spawned for 5 hours only and will have many levels of difficulty . raid boss levels party zone farm solo farm zone etc . Spawn time of gate keeper will be announced on foroum


Custom armor : You can farm this armor by collecting coins in priveal island  all mobs will drop coins 1to 3 each

On 1500 coins you can take armor

Armor stats :

Heavy : 5 % atack speed and p atack , 9 % m def and p def ,  +2 str and + 2 con

Light  : 9 % atack speed and p atack . 5 % m def and p def  + 2 dex and + 1 str and 1 con

Robe  : 1500 mana , 20 % casting speed , 10 % m atack and 3 wit

All armors will have mp regenaration increased


Second custom armor : same stats with custom armor but with + 7 k hp , in order to take it you should give the first custom amror with 1500 coins and 5 lunagrets


Custom weapons : it may be dusk weapons or dyansty , or legenadry but not with so much greater stats from s gard

Second custom weapon : same stats and sa with first but with 10 % more p def and m def

You can take them by collecting coins in pi for custom weapons

For second weapons maybe drop from epic raids or some epic raids in vote area etc

SROLLS : blessed scrols all custom mobs in spoli area or in pi or another custom area will have 10 % chance to drop blessed scrolls armor or weapon scrolls s garde


Thats all for me i hope you liked it:):):):):)



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realy nice sugestions but here will be no custom will be real interlude with retail like armors weapons s grad with out bufs and nobles to with quest and the titan+paladin will not be op couse will be good just in full party and frenzyand agelic they have a limtle more reuse delay...will be k i think

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guys i know many player looking for this kind of server midle rate farming  crafting no custom no buf npc, interlude substuck main+1  now i ask  what about  l2 tower or l2walker? i need your opinions about that to be ... allowed or not?

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well first of all i think like 1 normal player no like 1 GM... and when i wos playing in otter servers wos realy nice when l2 tower or l2 walker wos allowed so if i think better yes i will allow to all players to play free on charge with out restrictions...if u are pro player then use all what u can to grow faster or to make items faster like others what dont know to play yet

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well first of all i think like 1 normal player no like 1 GM... and when i wos playing in otter servers wos realy nice when l2 tower or l2 walker wos allowed so if i think better yes i will allow to all players to play free on charge with out restrictions...if u are pro player then use all what u can to grow faster or to make items faster like others what dont know to play yet

this sucks lmao,sound like some random greek server
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