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Servers u dont want to try

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I will quote some user from forum (I don't remeber Your name, im sorry!)

btw this is funny too


the server supposed to be balanced , a guy donated 3k euro yesterday now hes killing off the server with super haste and def like 20k

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yes but donation power schouldnt be bigger than a normal player is.

i mean if max entchant is +25 and donators can buy +50 lol it sucks

schould be max +25 and posible to donate +25 too


LOL so what point donate if donator and normal player can have same enchanted weapon ;)

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LOL so what point donate if donator and normal player can have same enchanted weapon ;)


the point is to get in 5 seconds what a real player takes months


For example i use to play l2 mafia 03 server and there to get dinasty set and weapon +16 u need over 5k pvp (i take 8 months to do 12.000) and from 1 day to the other people pay to dimis (he post here xD) so they have the same i had [i get baned and he close the server] (i guess that they didnt have time to get pvp and buy things after xD)


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l2chronicles is a bad server, it's almost empty and many donators, but i saw someone say that tehgamers server has many donators and i have to disagree cuz there aren't any, the reason why many ppl have dynasty sets and weapons is that you can get them for event medals.

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L2CORE is the worst server!! All donators I hate this and he tell you if you want to create a server pay 200-800 euro!! xoaxoaxoaoxa

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i tried this L2 CORE and its a mess


i tried teleport to primeval isle and a clan was there pking everone at respawn , i stayed there and some of the players were chatting about how much patk they had stacking augments , one of the archers had 9k pat..lol


anyways...Millenia MML2, the worst server on earth, looks like a ghost town, players left cuz it sucks, the only ppl living are the ones that paid U$ 300 for their +30 weapons , they insult players and if you answer back, u gonna end up in jail because money is what move that server and gms are corrupt ..they even jail new players if they insult donators...say donator noob there is much more offensive than insult a mother >_<..not to mention its down 90% of times, well sucks very much DONT GO THERE

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  • 8 months later...

L2 Evo sux ... The donator's can get anything they want ...The GM punish the players if they don't vote evrey day ...and the make's events like 1000 Votes event and prizze safe enchant 5 min but he make safe enchant just for 2 mins u just log in game make 4-5 enchants and then the server is restarted ...I rember 1 time the players didn't vote and he deleted the farming zones :)) =)) ...w/e ...don't try that server u will like to play on it for 1 week or maybe 2 but u will just get pissed cuz donators got some Special things and any stuff they like i rember a donator that was my friend he got like 8 passive AUG skills :)) .....and 1 active on wepon ...that means 9 augs in same time :O how can u own that player if u don't donate.

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wtf? spam and this topic is rly old omg...reported





l2chronicles is a bad server, it's almost empty and many donators, but i saw someone say that tehgamers server has many donators and i have to disagree cuz there aren't any, the reason why many ppl have dynasty sets and weapons is that you can get them for event medals.


yeah tehgamers has no donate but is boooooooooooooooooring.... u are right dunasty from medals (i hade one xD)





i dont play on servers with crazy donates they rly suck


L2 Evo sux ... The donator's can get anything they want ...The GM punish the players if they don't vote evrey day ...and the make's events like 1000 Votes event and prizze safe enchant 5 min but he make safe enchant just for 2 mins u just log in game make 4-5 enchants and then the server is restarted ...I rember 1 time the players didn't vote and he deleted the farming zones :)) =)) ...w/e ...don't try that server u will like to play on it for 1 week or maybe 2 but u will just get pissed cuz donators got some Special things and any stuff they like i rember a donator that was my friend he got like 8 passive AUG skills :)) .....and 1 active on wepon ...that means 9 augs in same time :O how can u own that player if u don't donate.


lol that sucks:S



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