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Away from MXC for a bit


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Hi lately I am mentally and physically wreck because I have some serious problems with my family.I won't be active as i was in the past,i believe i will be better in some days.


P.S:Loveya all.

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shut the -beep- up trash, you deserve to be permanent banned on IP, IP range, mac adress, hwid and everything related to your retardness, -beep-ing cunt scammer retarded greek

yeah sure dude


So much hate

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yeah sure dude


So much hate


there is no hate, there are retarded greeks like you who like to scam other users and still aren't banned, if you did something bad you need to support the consequences, trash cunt that you are, so awaiting your permanent ban

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there is no hate, there are retarded greeks like you who like to scam other users and still aren't banned, if you did something bad you need to support the consequences, trash cunt that you are, so awaiting your permanent ban

scam? nice joke


Just got some troubles, i am trying to fix these in order to avoid comments and actions like yours

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